Chapter 13

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Read the Rewrite, Celestial and The Alpha, for free on Webnovel or Wattpad

Celeste's POV

  I smiled up at my mother but she only frowned. I know that it hasn't been that long since Dad. . . Passed away. Even though it hasn't been that long I still don't understand why she has to be so upset. I'm okay and so is she? Why can't that be enough?

  I walked away from the stream and went towards all of the other pack children. A lot of them were like me and lost only their father but others lost everyone. I looked towards the twins, Madeline and Addison. They lost everything but each other. Neither have talked since. I smiled at them but they didn't return it.

   Then I looked towards Christopher. He was the oldest of all of us. Twelve years old. He would have started training next year, in a few months actually. He was the Alpha and Luna's son. Only he lost his mother before I was born. Actually I was born just a few months after she died. then no one saw the Alpha after the attack. We just assumed that he died along with everyone else.

  I walked over to Chris and sat by his side. He smiled a sad smile down at me and put an arm around my shoulder. Since I was the Beta's daughter he and I were close. We were inseparable for a few years until he started school. Then he made other friends but he never forgot me.

  He was the closest thing I had to a friend while growing up in the pack.


   I looked up as I saw Chris and his friends playing in the tree. They were laughing and smiling, like normal kids. I wasn't that kind of a normal kid.

  I don't really have any friends. In fact no one really likes me. They bully me and say I'm weird. I don't know why. I think it started with a rumor about the attack being Dad's fault but it wasn't. My father was a great man and Beta! He would never want to harm our pack! Never!

  "Chris!" I saw him pause and look at me but then he just continued to play with the other kids. "Christopher!" He growled in annoyance and stomped off towards me.

   "What do you want you little shit?" My eyes widened at his insult. He never insulted me before. What was going on with him?

   "I just wanted to play too." I looked down and kicked the dirt around my feet.

   "Well too bad. You can't."

   "And why can't I? Pwease Chris. I just want to play!" He scoffed and shoved me back, making me fall on my butt.

   "Shut up you little shit! Just go bother someone else!" With that he walked away while tears fell down my face.


   I gasped as I saw Chris and his groups of friends coming back early. They had gone hunting but they had returned early. I quickly got up to run but before I knew it I was pinned to a tree.

   "Chris! Let me go!" Chris stuck his head in my nape and inhaled. I could feel my skin heating up.

   "You smell so good right now did you know that?" I tried to push him off but he wouldn't let go. Christopher had just turned sixteen a bit ago but I had only just turned fourteen. I actually shifted for the first time a month ago but that only made things get worse. People treated me worse once it became clear that I was a runt.

   I felt this weird feeling in my stomach and it made me really uncomfortable.

   "Do you even know what is happening to you right now." I shook my head while trying to frantically push him off. "You're in heat." He nipped at my neck and  I desperately tried to push him off of me.

   Next thing I know there was no one pushing me against a tree. I looked up to see a wolf that I didn't recognize attacking Chris. Chris ended up hitting his head and getting knocked out cold. The wolf looked up at me and I smiled at him. He nodded and trotted past Chris' friends who were shocked frozen, his dirty blonde fur shining in the sun.


   "I have to leave now." Lycer nodded but with a sad smile on his face.

   "I'll see you tomorrow night right?" I nodded and hugged him. When he let go I ran back to where everyone had been camping out.

   There were fewer of us now but sadly I still had to deal with Chris.

   I looked at the ground my entire run back. I stopped when I was pushed to the ground. I looked up and my eyes widened to find Chris.

   "Where were you last night?"

   "None of your business," I spat.

   "You disgust me, you little slut." With that being said he kicked me in the side. I fell back against the ground and grunted. He delivered another kick to my side and a small scream left my lips. This isn't the first time this has happened. It started after that first time last year when Lycer attacked him. I wish Lycer was here now.

   He stomped on my arms and my scream became a bit louder. He was about to deliver a kick to my head when Lycer knocked him down. I watched as Lycer pinned Chris to the ground and went to go for the death bite.

   "No! Don't!" Lycer stopped.

   "Then leave." Chris' eyes went wide at Lycer's obviously angry tone.


   "Leave and don't ever come back. If I see you near her again I won't hesitate to rip your throat out. Do you understand?" Chris nodded frantically and as soon as he was free, he ran. Lycer came over to me and picked me up in his arms.

   "Your safe now." I nodded and held him close That was the last time I ever saw Christopher. Until now.


   I woke up to find myself in Xavier's arms. I was comfortable and it was nice. I inhaled his intoxicating scent as I curled myself further into his arms.

    "Are you awake now little one?" I nodded but didn't say anything.

   "What happened last night?" I shook my head, I didn't want to talk about it. "You know you are safe, right? I'll keep you safe. I'll protect you."

   Lycer is gone but Xavier will protect me now.

Read the Rewrite, Celestial and The Alpha, for free on Webnovel or Wattpad

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