Chapter 44: Jash

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Read the Rewrite, Celestial and The Alpha, for free on Webnovel or Wattpad

Jake's POV

I glared at Xavier who was passed out in Zay's office. I didn't care if he was going insane. All I cared about was Josh and Xavier had hurt him. It hadn't been physical like he grew used to at our old pack but it was awful. Josh has come to trust these people only for Xavier to call him pathetic.

"Jake, you know he didn't mean it." I looked at Zay. Her hair was tangled in her usual ponytail and there were bags under her eyes. She was stressed out. "He just needs his mate." I rolled my eyes. I didn't care.

"Then we'll find her because if I have to deal with his attitude for much longer I am going to kill him." Zay looked at me with worry in her eyes. "Go sleep Zay. You look like you need it." She nodded and locked her office door after Kaleshia walked out. They walked to her room and when they were out of sight I glared at her office door. It was my intention to go have a 'talk' with Xavier as soon as Zay left.

I walked to my room only to stop right outside of the door. I took a deep breath and turned around, walking to Josh's door instead. I tried to push open the door only to find it locked. I sighed and leaned against the door. I could hear his crying and his loud sobs. It was breaking my heart.

"Josh," I croaked out. This was killing me. "Please unlock the door." I waited for a minute before sighing. "It's only me, I promise. Please, I'll even lock the door after. No one else will bother us." I waited another minute as I heard the lock click. I opened the door and keeping my word, I locked it after I shut it behind me.

I looked towards Josh's bed to find a clump of blankets. I frowned and walked over to the bed. I sat down and pulled his blankets off of him. His hair was a crumpled mess and he had tear streaks on his cheeks. I laid down by his side and pulled him to me.

"Hey Josh, come here." He turned around and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"He called me pathetic." I ran a hand through his hair and he sighed in content.

"Well he's wrong." He shook his head and I tightened my grip on him. Now would be about the time that he starts to push away from me. Just like I thought he would, he tried to run from my hold. He turned in my arms but I turned him right back around.

"He wasn't wrong. I am pathetic. I couldn't find Celeste, I am nit even allowed to fight, and I let that stupid old man hurt me for so long." I stiffened.

"Don't bring that old pervert into this. He was an awful man who you couldn't stop and were too scared to tell someone; but it's okay. He's gone now. He is dead and now we are here." He looked up at me, his dark brown eyes shining.

"And I thought that we were fine. We were wanted here but apparently I am too pathetic for this pack. Xavier has enough trackers without me." I let out a sigh.

"I can start contacting other packs in the morning if you want." I honestly didn't want to leave this pack, they were accepting of us, at least from what they knew, and they didn't question us about the details of why we left our old pack.

"I don't know. Maybe I can just avoid him. You're his best warrior, it would be basically impossible for him to replace you. I don't want to risk moving to a new pack." I sighed.

"Are you sure?" He looked down and I pressed my lips to his temple

"I'm sure," he mumbled.

"I just want you to be happy Josh. If you think it's getting too bad then I'll find another pack as soon as possible." He looked back up at me. I brought a hand up and wiped at his tear stained cheeks.

"This is one of the reasons why I love you Jake. You are always caring about my happiness. Thank you Jake." I He moved my hand from his cheek to his chin, tilting his head up. I brought my lips down to his, moving them against his softly. He started to kiss me back and we sat up. I put my hands on his thighs and lifted him onto my lap. He chuckled when I pulled him closer to me.

"Stop your laughing and kiss me." He did. He moved one of his hands to my shoulder to keep himself steady and the other went to tangle itself in my hair. I bit his bottom lip just hard enough for him to give me entrance to his mouth. He always tasted so sweet, like candy apples. I pulled away from him and rested my forehead on his.

"I love you so much Jake," Josh whispered. I smiled at him and pulled him as close to me as possible.

"I love you too. Do you want me to get some food? We can just stay in here for the rest of the day, watch some movies, some other things," I finished with a smirk. I winked at him and he slapped my arm.

"Shut up or else you are getting nothing from me in return." I rose an eyebrow at him.

"In return for what?" I questioned.

"In return for the food that you said you would get me." He frowned a bit. "Please. I haven't eaten since breakfast and I don't want to see anyone but you right now." I sighed but nodded none-the-less. He moved off of my lap and I got up to go get food.

I''ll do anything to make him happy.

Read the Rewrite, Celestial and The Alpha, for free on Webnovel or Wattpad

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