Chapter 71

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Read the Rewrite, Celestial and The Alpha, for free on Webnovel or Wattpad

Celeste's POV

I smiled as I woke up. I hadn't expected either one. Sleep or smiling in the morning. Xavier left three days ago but everything has gone surprisingly well here. I would usually either be with Lesa, Zay, or Lycer during the day and I would mind link Xavier every night until I fall asleep. It was a comfortable process but I still miss having Xavier's arms wrapped around me.

I smiled at the pack members I passed while wondering around the pack. It was early so I decided to go for a walk. I know Lycer will probably yell at me for going without someone but I was getting restless in that house and almost no one was up.

"Celeste!" I looked up towards the training field. For the past few days Josh had been trying to occupy himself in any way he could. The first day he basically ran the entire perimeter of the pack, twice. The second day he cleaned almost the entire pack house, library included. Today it seemed that he was cleaning the training field.

I have never seen the training field this empty before. No one was training since it was Saturday and the warriors were the ones who trained then. Even when no one was training there was always something going on. Celebrations, picnics, children playing, something. It almost looked sad as Josh stood alone in the center of it.

"Hey Josh," I said with a small smile. He put away the knives he was cleaning and walked over to me, a slight frown on his face.

"Why are you out here without any guards?" I roll my eyes. It's not Lycer but I still predicted someone complaining!

"Relax, you're here aren't you?" I laughed as his fists clenched in annoyance.

"Yeah I am now but what if you did't come this way? Xavier and Lycer agreed that you are to have someone with you until Xavier returns." I shrugged him off.

"But Xavier's not here so you're not going to tell him right?" Even though I knew someone would yell at or lecture me I didn't want Xavier to actually hear. He would lecture me worse than anyone else. He was just too protective sometimes. I could always try to shut him up. . . No, that won't work. He'll just lecture me again at some point.

"I should," he states firmly and I bite my lip, "but I know what happens when he starts to lecture those he cares about. Jake used to be the same way with me, when we were at our old pack." He smiles a very small smile, as if the memories are happy and sad at the same time.

"Josh," I say hesitantly. I've been curious about something for awhile but I didn't know if it would be rude to ask. I even asked Xavier but he didn't know the whole story. My curiosity gets the best of me. "What happened to your's and Jake's mates?" He sighs and looks towards the woods, something I've noticed he does to calm down or think better. He doesn't usually have any reasons to calm down though. That's more something that Jake has to do, a lot.

"Jake, his mate had already fallen in love with someone but Jake was okay with it. He says he is actually glad about it because it meant he was able to meet me." I smiled at that. It was cute how Jake was a total softie when it came to Josh especially when he was such a. . . not soft person. "My mate, however, died when I was a baby. It's a very rare thing that happens in one of every 2,000 wolves." My eyes widened. Loosing mates was. . . painful. I saw it happen to so many people from my pack when I was little. It was the worst thing I have ever witnessed. "I don't know how it happened, who it was, or even their gender but I know that they died. If someone looses their mate before they shift it leaves a scar on them. I've met one person who it was on their leg but mine is somewhere I can hide it thankfully." He smiled but it was obviously fake.

"Can-" I hesitated again. "Can I uhhh. . ." How do I ask him without seeming rude? If he had to go through that pain as a child I'm sure it is not something I would think he would like to remember.

"See it?" I nod. He turns around and pulls his hair up. I see a black ink like substance, like the one for a mates marking swirled around forming the word inamatus. "It means loveless, some people often say it is because without your mate you are loveless. I don't believe that. After all, I have Jake." I smiled sweetly at him. He turns back around, a bright smile on his face as well.

"It may sound rude to say this but I'm glad that those things happened to you two. You guys are meant to be together." If it was possible, his smile brightened even more.

"You want to know something that sounds rude?" I nod and giggle childishly. "I am too. Now let's get you back to the pack house before someone else wakes up and throws a fit." I nod in agreement but a small frown tries to take over my face. If only there wasn't some man who might be trying to destroy our whole pack in order to learn some secret that I don't even think is that great.

Lycer had told me after he had to tell Xavier. I think he expected me to be mad at him for keeping it a secret. After all, he knows everything about me. It must be painful for him. He never dies. He has to watch everyone he loves die. Every last one of them. One day, he'll have to watch me die and he'll go through the awful pain since he is my protector.

"Celestial!" Speak of the devil. I smile at Lycer but he doesn't smile back. Josh stiffens next to me and looks around. When Lycer gets near me he pulls me in for a hug, his grip a bit too tight. "I was so worried. Come on. We need to get you back inside." He lets go of me but puts a hand on my back, trying to make me go faster. When I start to trip he lets out a sigh and picks me up, running to the pack house with Josh on his heels.

He puts me down when we get back inside where people are rushing around. Zay spots us and runs to us. "I've already mind linked Xavier. They're coming back as fast as they can." Lycer nods and Josh runs off to help with something.

"What's going on?" Lycer starts to drag me upstairs, leaving Zay to go back to what she was doing before. He opens my bedroom door and I automatically feel my nerves calm a bit as Xavier's scent surrounds me. "Lycer, please answer me."

"It seems Malum and his experiments managed to avoid Xavier and the warriors. They're closing in on the pack house. You're going to stay in here. No one who isn't a part of this pack in anyway can get in and even though you can get out I suggest you stay here. You will have your guards at the door as well. Please just stay here." I nod. My body stiffed up as soon as he said avoid.

"I uh-" I stuttered, still frozen. "I need you to get me something from the training grounds." He nodded, a smirk coming to his lips.

"I'm already on it. One bow, ten knives, and a hell of a lot of arrows on the way." With that he ran out of the room. I sat on the bed, taking a deep breath.

Xavier, I mind linked him. Get here soon.

Read the Rewrite, Celestial and The Alpha, for free on Webnovel or Wattpad

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