Chapter 60

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Celeste's POV

I stared at Xavier's mother. She was beautiful. Beautiful long blonde hair, almost as long as mine used to be, and gorgeous blue eyes that neither Xavier or Lesa have. They must have gotten their eye color from their father. Where is their father?

"So you're the precious mate I have heard nothing about!" I felt a blush go up my neck as Xavier groaned in frustration and Lesa let out a small laugh.

"I've been meaning to call you Mom but things have been really busy." Xavier held my hand in his. I smiled at him and leaned into his chest.

"You could always squeeze in time to call the woman who gave birth to you!" She grabbed my free hand, taking my attention away from Xavier. "You are just so gorgeous! I can see what Alpha Jackson and Alpha Weiss meant!" Xavier growled a bit. "Oh shut up!"

"She is my mate, they have their own mates. They have no right to be paying attention to the looks of mine!" I chuckled making Xavier look at me weirdly.

"Oh shut up Xavier! Okay now is the time when you leave! I want to get to know my soon to be daughter in law!" I blushed bright red and Xavier stiffened.

"Mom, he hasn't even marked her yet. I doubt he'll be proposing anytime soon." Xavier's mother's eyes widened.

"What do you mean you haven't even marked her?" She quickly glanced over my neck and then turned to glare back at Xavier. "Your father marked me a month after I met him and your sister was marked not even a week after Christopher accepted her as his mate. I swear, there must be something wrong with your genes," she teased.

Lesa laughed a bit and playfully punched her brothers shoulder and got up. "Come on Xavier!" She yanked on his shirt. Xavier didn't budge.

"Xavier, can you go talk to Lycer. Please. I want you to get to know him and see that he isn't all that bad." This time he growled making his mother raise an eyebrow. "Please, I need you to see that he is just my friend. Please," I said while pouting. He sighed and lightly kissed my lips before getting up.

Lesa yanked him out of the room while a smile remained on my lips. As soon as the door shut a cough brought me back to the situation at hand. By situation I meant getting through this conversation without passing out.

"So I hear you are a lot of trouble." The smile that was on my lips fell.

"W-what do you mean?" My eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.

"Well from the information I have gathered nothing, and I mean nothing, has been sunshine and rainbows for you and my son." I started to tug on my sleeves so hard that I'm afraid I'll rip one off.

"N-not ne-necessarily." Her eyes slightly narrowed but not in an angry way. It seemed like she was evaluating me.

"When you wandered into the pack you were a rogue and injured. Then you have dangerous rogues chasing after you. Then you are once again injured. Then you go missing but no one has known the full details on that. . . At least not that I have asked. I'm not even going to mention the fact that you are a runt. I mean, there's nothing wrong with that but it is not something my husband approves of." I bit back tears. She doesn't like me. Her husband, Xavier's father, doesn't like me. What am I going to do? His mother meant a lot to him. She needs to like me.

"But my son loves you." I looked at her, shock in my eyes." Nothing else in the world comes before my children. You may be trouble but that is okay with me if you make him happy. I've never seen his eyes shine the way they do when he looks at you. I hope you don't plan on breaking his heart anytime soon."

A smile made its way to my lips. "I'm not planning on it at all Mrs. . ." I didn't know what to call her. Some women that were from my pack hated being called Mrs or by their last name. I also knew some women who thought it was disrespectful to go by anything else.

"You can call me Mrs. Vadette. I have enough people still calling me Luna and no one but my mate calls me by my first name." I nodded.

"So Celeste, tell me why you aren't baring my sons mark yet you smell like him." I felt a blush rise up my neck.

"Like y-you said s-so much has been happening a-and I wanted everything t-to be s-settled down b-before he marked m-me," I rushed out. I yanked on my sleeves some more when I heard chuckling.

"You seem so innocent. The rumors were true." My eyebrows furrowed together.

"If you don't mind me asking, where did you get all these rumors from?" She smiled, a glint in her blue eyes.

"I have my sources. And by sources I mean a few of the Alphas in the surrounding packs and a few pack members. Harry and I stopped at a few to visit before we came here." I nodded in understanding. "Next question, when am I getting grandchildren from you and my son? I'm getting a grandson soon but I want a granddaughter who I can spoil rotten until the day I die. Harry already has plans on how to spoil our grandson. . . or grandsons," she said looking at me with a smirk.

"Uhhh," I said dumbly. "I don't really know about that. I don't really think children are a smart idea right now. I'm still a child myself."

She nodded. "Don't wait too long because I want to have pictures that you can embarrass them with later on in their life." Her eyes started to sparkle. "Speaking of which, how would you like to see some embarrassing pictures of Xavier?"

Read the Rewrite, Celestial and The Alpha, for free on Webnovel or Wattpad

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