Chapter 51

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Read the Rewrite, Celestial and The Alpha, for free on Webnovel or Wattpad

Malum's POV

"Sir?" I looked up from the table in my room where I was looking at the map of the surrounding area. My black coffee rested in one hand as a pen rested in the other.

"What do you want?" I growled. I can almost complete my plan. Almost. As soon as I do that sets my next plan in motion. I will start by taking over the closer packs, expanding my territory. After that, I can get rid of that stupid little girl's pack. She'll be dead by then anyways. When I kill her it will weaken the pack, making it easier for me to kill the Alpha. I will get all of their land and install fear into every other pack out there. However, I can't do that if these fucking idiots keep disrupting me.

"We - we ha-have a slight, um, problem s-sir."

"What is it you useless fail of an experiment?" I looked away from the map and towards the experiment. His sunken in skins disgusted me enough but his eyes that look melted to his face made it worse. You could see every vein in his head, hands, and neck. He annoyed the shit out of me just like all of those other failed experiments.

They were just random rogues I took in to test out experiments. I was going for the same goal since the begging and every time it failed. Instead of actually finding the secret, the cure I guess you could call it, they went. . . weird. After they changed, more than half of them kind of seemed soulless. They no longer cared about anything. They continued on as servants, goons really, for me.

Then there were the ones who their souls remained. I pushed them to their limits, testing if they would be as willing as the soulless ones. Most of them weren't so I killed them. There were very little of them who actually made it but it won't matter in the end.

They all die in the end. After a few years they get really sick and die, painfully. Not that I care much but it still is an annoyance. With all of them dying, I have to create more experiments. Yes I do hope that one of them won't be a fail one day but they do make good goons.

"Well, um, you s-see it's about Lycer and the girl. . ." I rolled my eyes. He was probably complaining and if it was because she somehow died in the middle of the night then oh well. Either way I will get it out of him. I just need the damn answer. I'm sure he wouldn't want her lifeless body cut up into little pieces before it was sent back to her mate.

"What about them?" I took a gulp of my coffee and glared at him.

"Well they are. . . They are gone sir." I snapped.

"What the hell do you mean by gone?" He started to stutter and I pushed myself out of my chair. I flipped over the table, coffee going everywhere.

"They aren't there anymore sir. . ." I walked up to him and snapped his neck. His ugly body fell to the ground in a lifeless heap. I spit on his body and stormed out of the room.

"Tyler! Suka! Get you asses over here!" I walked into a different room. The room was full of weapons, strategies pinned to the wall, and a list of every Alpha out there and all of their weaknesses. Most of them included their mates and their children but there are a few who if you just take away their alcohol and they go crazy.

Two experiments walked into the room. One, Tyler, was another one of the steroid looking ones but his skin was a grey color. He had long disgusting black nails that he used to slit people's throats. Then there was Suka, my favorite. She looked almost normal. Her only deformity was the fact that you could see every vein on the top of her head. She covers it up with this black wig that suited her skin perfectly. I've slept with her a few times and she is the greatest one in bed. That's why I don't usually let her out of here. It is hard to find someone like her these days. Of course there is no emotional attachment. I'll never be emotionally attached to someone ever again.

"What can we do for you sir?" Tyler asked. I ran a hand through my hair and tugged on the end of it. I was pissed. My guards can't even stop an injured girl and a weakened wolf. Unless. . . No. I am going to kill anyone if they helped them get out of here.

"Lycer and that damned runt managed to get out of here. Tyler, I want you to organize a hunt. If the girl happens to still be alive then keep it that way. She is, however, good bait for Lycer. Go ahead ahead and knock either of them out if you need to. Go." He ran out of the room and I resisted the urge to chuck something glass towards his head. You know, just for a bit of encouragement.

"What do you want me to do sir?" I looked at Suka. Her eyes were half lidded as she smiled at me.

"I want you to go make a battle plan. If they do happen to make it back to that pathetic excuse of a runts pack, then we'll need to attack. Find Christopher and ask him about anything you need to know when it comes to the Paramount Pack." Her smile disappeared and she frowned in disappointment. None the less, she nodded and turned to walk out of the room.

She stopped right before she reached the door. "Sir?" I nodded, knowing she was disappointed.

"Fine. Meet me in my room after your done." A smile came across her face and she seemed to jump in joy. I rolled my eyes. If only she was one of the soulless ones. . .

"And sir?" I nodded. "Do you mind me asking why you are so persistent with this boy. What is so important that you need to know?"

I smirked and replied, "Because who wouldn't want to be immortal."

Read the Rewrite, Celestial and The Alpha, for free on Webnovel or Wattpad

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