Chapter 55: Jash

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Read the Rewrite, Celestial and The Alpha, for free on Webnovel or Wattpad

Josh's POV

I scowled as I watched Jake walk away from the bed, his naked ass looking great as he walked away.

"Do you have to go?" Jake walked into my closet where there was a drawer full of his clothes. He came back out and I was disappointed to see him with a pair of pants and a shirt on.

"Xavier said he didn't know if this guy was dangerous yet. Celeste supposedly hasn't seen him in a few years. People change in less time than that. I don't know how long it will take but," he walked up to me, pulling me up. I sat on the bed, the blanket covering my waist down. He grabbed my hands and entwined our fingers and continued, "I promise I will come back to you. Safe. Even if this Lycer character is crazy and tries to attack me." I smiled and he leaned down to peck my lips.

"Maybe I should just come with you," I mumbled and a growl echoed around the room. Jake moved his hands to my hair and softly tugged until my head was tilted up towards him.

"If this person is dangerous then I don't want you near them." I pushed away his hands and pushed him away from me. I stood up and glared at him, not caring that I am naked.

"I can protect myself!" I complained. I hated when he thought of me as weak. I know I'm not the strongest. Hell, I let an old pervy guy feel me up for years and I could never even fight back. But, I wasn't the weakest either. "I can fight!" Jake growled and pushed me back onto the bed.

"No you can't," he growled. I tried to push myself back up but he climbed on top of me. "Not well enough," he growled out again. I tried to push him off of me but he pinned my hands down.

"Get off of me!" I could feel my throat tightening as I tried to push him off of me. He released his hold on my wrists but I didn't notice. I didn't notice when he started to place little kisses on my neck and whispered for me to calm down. "Just. . ." I whispered. "Just go. . ." I felt him shake but it wasn't in anger. He pressed a final kiss to my temple and walked out.

As soon as the door closed I threw myself up and quickly put on clothes. I went to the corner of my room and curled in a ball on the floor. I put my hands over my ears, trying to block everything out. I felt tears gather at my eyes but I pushed them back. I felt my eye lids start to drop and I tried to fight it off, knowing the nightmares would return. I couldn't deal with the nightmares. . . Not right now.

As if my mind doesn't care, I feel my eye lids drop and darkness takes over.

I stare out of my bedroom window, staring out at the rain that was falling from the sky. The lightning that flashed every now and then lit up my plain room. I never had anything to decorate the room with. I don't know who my parents are or even if they're still alive so there are no family photos. I don't have any friends so there are no photos for that. I don't like any things specifically. I don't have a favorite band, movie, actor, or even some kind of calendar with nude girls on it. . . Not that I'd ever be interested in that anyways.

Maybe if Alpha Henry let me out of the house every now and then I would have some of those things. I mean, I have a laptop but it's only for online schooling. Almost everything else is blocked and only Alpha Henry knows the password.

I had never had my room painted so it was the same ugly maroon color as it has always been. Alpha Henry once said he would let me paint it but then he gave me a condition for that to happen. I couldn't go through with it.

I did however, have a few books. They weren't mine but they came from the small library right next to Alpha Henry's office. I would sneak in at night and grab a few. After that I would put them under a floorboard that was loose in my room.

I remember one time Alpha Henry caught me. He yelled and screamed and then made me do. . . things. Things that disgusted me. I could still remember the awful taste in my mouth. It is permanently embedded into my memory.

I looked over at my clock to see it's seven. I guess I should go eat something. I leave my room, quietly going downstairs. Alpha Henry doesn't usually wake up until eight or nine and I don't want to wake him. Not many people live in the pack house and everyone who does knows to stay quiet before nine.

The only people who live in the pack house is Alpha Henry, the Beta's family of three, a new kid named Jake, and me. The Beta's family don't know what goes on with me. Alpha Henry has ways to keep me quiet. As for the new kid. . . Well, he hasn't been here long. He moved out of his families house after some huge fight from what I heard.

I walk into the kitchen and blush when I see Jake. He wasn't wearing a shirt and he was making coffee. He turned around and gave me a slight nod. He turned back to his coffee and I couldn't help but admire his back. I shook my head and went to go make some toast.

"Coffee?" I turned to Jake when I heard his slightly gruff morning voice. I shook my head, not finding the courage to speak. "Are you sure? You look exhausted?" My eyes widened. I had never had anyone actually talk to me for this long without Alpha Henry around. Alpha Henry told the Beta's family to stay away from me, that I couldn't stand people.

"Y-yea," I stuttered. Alpha Henry wouldn't like it if I had coffee. However, I was starting to love the smell of it. When I first met Jake, that's what he smelled like. Coffee and pine. It was nice.

I heard my toast pop up and I quickly grabbed it and ran back to my room. I slammed the door shut and groaned when I realized what I did. I put my toast down, knowing that I might end up throwing it up later now. Soon enough, Alpha Henry barged into my room. He had a furious look on his face. His grey hair was messy meaning he just woke up. His slightly yellow teeth were visible as he snarled at me.

"You dare to wake me up this early boy!" He walked closer and I started to shake in fear.

"I'm s-sorry s-sir," I stuttered. "Ple-ease don't p-punish me." He chuckled evilly. He took a step closer and slapped me across the face. I fell to the bed and he yanked me back up. He punched me in the stomach one, two, three times. He let go of me as I started to cough up a bit of blood.

"Strip." I shook my head, tears streaming down my face.

"P-p-please don't," I begged.

"You know, even if you did have a mate they wouldn't love you. You can't even listen to simple instructions. Strip! Now!"

I woke up with a scream, tears rapidly falling down my face. I tried to calm my breathing but it wasn't working. Then I felt hands wrap around me and pull me to a firm chest. I clutched Jake's shirt as the smell of coffee and pine enveloped me.

"You're fine now," he whispered. "He's dead now. You're safe." I nodded and pulled myself closer.

"I couldn't even fight back. . ." He shushed me and tilted my head up.

"That's okay. That's why you have me." I shook my head.

"It's not fine! I'm weak!" He tightened his arms around me.

"So I'll train you more. It'll be fine." He gently placed his lips on mine, reassuring me that I was safe now. I was safe with him.

Read the Rewrite, Celestial and The Alpha, for free on Webnovel or Wattpad

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