Chapter 53

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Read the Rewrite, Celestial and The Alpha, for free on Webnovel or Wattpad

Lycer's POV

I held Celestial close to me, trying to keep myself calm. I haven't been in a pack for so long and it made me anxious being back in one.

"Are you okay Lycer?" Celestial asks as she pulls away.

"Yeah I'm just not used to being in a pack. Last night I kept on debating if I skould go outside and sleep on a tree branch like I used to." I chuckled a little at her worried and horrified face.

"Isn't that uncomfortable and unsafe?" I rolled my eyes.

"Relax mother, I've done it before." Now it was her turn to roll her eyes.

"That doesn't make it safe! What if you fell?"

"Then I'd twist and land safely. I may not be some ninja but I am able to get out of a situation like that." She huffed and her long brunet hair fell in front of her face. "Are you ever going to cut your hair?"

"No." Her eyes widened, mortified at the thought. "I like my hair the way it is." I stared at her, looking for any emotions in her eyes. I saw sadness.

"What's your true reason?" She started to fiddle with her sleeves.

"Mom always liked my hair long. . . I just want her to be proud of me, even if she's not here in person." I smiled sadly and took her hand in mine.

"She'd be so proud of you. You are a loving, caring Luna to be and you've mated with an Alpha who loves you more than anything in the world." She blushed at the mention of being mated to Xavier.

"How did you know?" She looked off in thought and blushed even more.

"Your scent is different," I replied with a shrug. "But don't try to change the subject. Your mom would be proud of you and I think it's time you start to let go. Just a little."

I waited a few minutes as she thought it over. Very slowly she started to nod and I smiled a little.

I got up and went to the small restroom that was attached to the room. It was small but I was fine with that. I opened the drawers until I found a hair tie and a pair of scissors. I walked back out to the room where Celestial was patiently waiting on the bed, fiddling with her sleeves. I put her hair back in a pony tail and put the scissors right before the hair tie.

"Wait!" I stopped. She looked up at me, her big brown eyes full of worry. "Do you think Xavier will like it?" I rolled my eyes.

"If you truly loves you then your appearance won't matter." She smiled at me and nodded for me to continue. I slowly cut off her pony tail, Celestial covering her eyes almost the entire time.

When it was done her hair was almost like a pixie cut style but it didn't stay behind her ears and it was a bit longer than a pixie cut style. Just a bit.

Celestial put her hands up to the end of her hair and I could see a slight smile on her lips. She turned around and the her arms around my neck. I gently wrapped my arms around her as she whispered, "Thank you Lycer."

"No problem. Now I want to discuss something else with you." We pulled apart and she sat back down on the bed. I threw the chunk of hair away and sat down in front of her.

"What is it?"

"Have you had anyone ever continue your lessons?" She stayed quiet.

"No one wanted too. I asked, I really did. Sadly, no one cared enough and I didn't want to bother Mother." I nodded in understanding. She didn't like to bother her mother. Her mother depressed and Celestial didn't want to bother her.

"How about we continue your lessons?" She nods with a smile on her face and pulls on my hand. She runs out of the room, the two men guarding the door running after us after they paused from surprise. She drags me into another room and I see that it's a small library.

"I came across this room one time when I was trying to find Xavier. I've never really seen a reason to return until now. Come on!" I turn and look as the door closes, the guards now repositioned in front of the door.

I let go of Celestials hand and skim my eyes across the books. I grab one titled "Pride and Prejudice" and go to find a seat. I sit down on a small couch that's in front of a window. When Celestial notices that I've sat down she sits down next to me.

"Pride and prej-prej," she stops and sighs. She tries to move her hair behind her ear but since it's now short, it just falls back in front of her face.

"Try again," I encourage her. She was never the best reader but she loved stories.

"Pride and prej-you-dice," she tries by sounding it out. I chuckle a little and tell her how to pronounce it. I open the book and let Celestial read. I correct her every now until there is a knock on the door. When I look up, one of the guards is poking his head in.

"Luna," he says with uncertainty in his voice. "Someone wants to see you." I look to Celestial to see her nod. Then a little girl runs in, a blur of ginger hair flying about.

"Luna!" She throws herself onto Celestial's lap and I didn't miss the wince that Celestial tried to hide. "I'm sorry!" The little girl cries.

"It's okay," Celestial whispers. "I'm fine now." Celestial tightens her and around the little girl, making me smile. Then she looks at me. "Oh! Delian, I would like you to meet Lycer. Lycer, this is Delian. She's the betas daughter." Delian looks up at me and nods her head in greeting and I give her a small smile.

I watch Celestial and Delian interact for a few more minutes and realize something.

Celestial would make a great mother.

Read the Rewrite, Celestial and The Alpha, for free on Webnovel or Wattpad

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