Chapter 10

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"Hey sweetie, how was your meeting?" Craig said coming into our room. I had my hair tired, glasses on, and laptop in front of me editing the Yearbook CD that was set to go on sale in 2 weeks. Craig rubbed my shoulders and kissed my neck.

"Hey.." I said, sighing, "That feels really good. I could use a massage, would you mind?" I asked him. He pulled my laptop away from me and sat behind me in the bed.

"You excited about graduation and prom in a few months?" he asked

"What if I'm not gonna be able to go? I'll probably be too big to go anyway.." I said with a sad look.

"What you talking about, we've waited 12 years to walk across that stage and you're telling me you'd be too big to go?" he asked, turning me around.

"Yeah.. who wants to see a pregnant girl graduate anyway. and prom, goodness. I won't even be able to dance, I'll be HUGE. Craig, you wouldn't wanna take me. Why don't you take someone else?" I asked him. He wrapped my legs around him and brought me closer to him.

"NO. I refuse. I'm taking my girlfriend and I don't care how big you are by then, we're graduating and going to prom together and that's that. Now come here, you seem stressed as hell and tense as a mf." He said, kissing me.

"How did I get the best boyfriend in the world?" I smiled at him sweetly and kissed him again.



I'm getting sick of this pregnant bullshit ok. I was eating everything, I've probably gained like 40 pounds, my ankles were swollen, I was horny as shit and couldn't have sex bc my stomach was in the way and I was making Craig angry.

I had a doctor's appointment today to finally found out the sex of the baby, I was excited.

The appointment was at 4 and it was 12 so for the moment me and Craig were chilling. 

"Do you want a boy or girl?" I asked, looking up from him

"Doesn't matter as long as they're perfect just like their mom." he said kissing my forehead.

"Aweee, it's kicking!"

"Let me feel!" Craig said, putting his hand on my stomach.

"this is making me horny, you touching me is making me want to have sex and like ughhh. I JUST WANT TO FUCK! and me being pregnant is messing things upppp..." I said and got up. I was already half naked. I was only in panties and a t-shirt.

"YOU THINK I'M NOT HORNY AS HELL?! WE HAVEN'T HAD SEX IN A MONTH I'M LIKE ALWAYS STARING AT YOU AND YOU'RE BEING ALL CUTE AND THEN LIKE UGH." He said plopping down on the bed. I felt kinda bad, I mean, he was the guy. And a loyal one at that. He coulda have cheated on me months ago... and he didn't. I took his hand in mine and laid on his chest.

"Thank you.."

"For what?" He said sighing and sitting up. I just sat between his legs.

"Not cheating on me... You could have cheated on me and got some other girl pregnant while I was pregnant and you didn't..."

"Don't thank me... you're way too perfect to ever cheat on." He said, kissing my cheek. I'm pretty sure I had the best boyfriend in the world.



We were waiting for the doctor to come in the room and me and Craig were just talking.

"Nigga better be a woman doctor because I don't have the time for whooping a doctor's ass for staring up my girlfriend's vagina." he said, slouching down in the chair.

"craig, don't be like that!" I said laughing and rubbing his hand. "he's just doing his job, baby, that's all. I said, pecking his lips. Then the doctor came in.

It was a female doctor lol

"Well, hello Ms. Andrea, how are you doing today?"

"Ehh, can't complain."

"Good, good! Well, you finally want to know the sex of the baby huh?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Alright then. Okay so you're about um 38 weeks along in this pregnancy, correct?"

"Yes ma'am. I feel like I'm gonna pop any minute."

"Haha, well, we don't need that happening. Lay down on the bed for me please."

I laid down and lifted up my shirt. Craig got up from his seat and came to hold my hand. The gel was really cold but as soon as I saw the image on the screen my eyes lit up. I looked over at Craig who was smiling like crazy.

"So, is it a girl or boy?" Craig said jumping a little. He was excited about the baby.

"Well, it seems to be a little baby boy!"

"I'm having a boy?!" I said, excitedly.

"Seems to be! Alright Andrea" the doctor said wiping the gel off my stomach and letting me pull down my shirt. "Next time I see you, hopefully, you'll be giving birth to a beautiful baby boy!"

"Yes ma'am. Um, can we get the pictures of the baby?"

"Oh yes, just stop by the front office." She said. Craig and I both got up and went to the front office to get our picture.

"He's so beautiful." I said, walking out the doors as we got in Craig's car.

Both of his parents were at work and it was just us.

"I need a shower.." I said, getting naked in the bathroom with the door wide open lol

"Not yet, come here.." Craig said, pulling me to him and kissing me.

"Craig, pls, this is gonna make me horny and I'm too big for sex right now." I said, looking down.

"What you mean you're too big? Pregnant people can have sex.." He said, leading me to the bed. "Just gotta find the right position.." xoxo

3 hours later:

"You were right.." I said, laying on Craig's chest after my shower. "You do just have to find the right position.."

"Told youuu. Now go to sleep, we gotta big day tomorrow." Craig said kissing me.

"Like what?"

"Prom shopping."


Ordinary? Not By A Long Shot. (A Prodigy Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now