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A/N: Kindly play the song of 

Anytime you need a friend by beau sisters.

on youtube. I can't embed the song right here. thank you.



What is a friend? I will tell you. It is a person with whom you dare to be nothing else but yourself.

Your soul can be bold and naked with her. She seems to ask of you to put on nothng, only to be what and who you really are. She does not ask you to be the best; not even to be better or worse.

When you are with her, you feel as a prisoner feels who has been declared innocent and pure. You don't have to be weary and put yourself on guard. You can freely say what you think, so long as it is genuinely you, oh yes nothing but you.

She understands those contradictions in your nature that leads others to misunderstood you. Then so they will misjudge you; and as a consequence, they will mistreat you.

With her, you can breath on the top of your lungs. You can avow your little vanities, desires, mischiefs, envies, hates, ambitions, and vicious sparks and the meannesses and absurdities. Even your lusts and chastities and so on and so forth of the heavens' 7 deadly sins.

In opening them up to her, they are lost! Forever vanished as eternity. They are dissolved and are surely begone on the white ocean of her pure loyalty.

She understands. Even if she doesn't she'll try. So you have no single reason to be careful and become such mindful. You might have become so shameless but you do can abuse her, mistreat her, neglect her, ignore her or even desert and forsake her. But best of all, you can still keep still with her.It makes no matter what have you done or what will you do in hte future. Through thick and thins, she's right there. With you. All along. Always, and forever.

She likes you-- she's like fire that purges through the bone. Like burning of eternal flame from the phoenix that is cyclically regenerated or reborn.

She understands. Oh yes! She truly does.

You can weep and cry out like a baby with her. You can always lean on her whenever you feel like vulnerable and  very much uncapable. She's there to tap you on your shoulder. You can surely hold on to her when you feel alone and deserted by everyone else. She accomodates. You can speak with her through your most unbearable and impossible thoughts. She listens.

You can sing with her, even with your awful and unpleasant tone. She copes.

You can laugh with her through your terrible jokes and dreadful wits. She surely deals with it.

You can pray with her, along with your neverending hopes, wishes, and desires; also with your praises, gratitude, and unwavering faith in God; moreover, to ask for will and guidanc for you to continue to love without regrets and nothing to expect in return.

Through it all - and underneath - she sees - she knows but then

she loves you

she really loves you.



A FRIEND? WHAT IS A FRIEND? Just one, I repeat,


Thoughts of a Million StarsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon