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Leo's P.O.V

Wtf just happened?! Raph kissed me?? I've never been so confused in my life. I put my hand on my cheek and then got a really wierd feeling in my stomach. It felt like butterflies flying all over the place. I was having mixed feelings like 'NO LEO. Raph doesn't like you and you shouldn't like him' and 'Raph said he LOVES you and you love him back and you enjoyed him kissing your cheek.' For him to like me? I must be dreaming. I gathered all the courage to go up to him and talk to him about it.

Raph P.O.V

I was blushing like crazy after what I just did. What if he doesn't like me back?? Or what if that dork still doesn't know what I meant?? Ugh, all these thoughts in my head that I can't seem to gather. I was 'watching' tv when I heard footsteps coming towards me. "Raph.." a soft voice said.

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