Chapter 12

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Leo P.O.V

I pushed myself into Raph's butthole. "Ahh..." Raph moaned. I thrusted as hard as I can and Raph kept on moaning. I came in Raph and I took out my member. "That was amazing af babe" Raph said. "Same babe." I said. I was sitting on Raph and then I rubbed his muscles. He blushed and looked to the side. I kissed his muscles slowly and he covered his face with his hands. I removed his hands from his face and said, "You big softie, don't be such a girl." He growled at me and I just smiled at him. He stopped growling and then rubbed my cheek. I nuzzled his hand. Then I felt something. "Raph, stop getting boners brah." I said. " about you stop being sexy" he said. Then I smirked. I grabbed his member and moved my hand up and down from it. Splinter then came in. "SENSAI?!!" me and Raph said at the same time.

Sorry this is short I might post tommorow.

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