Chapter 21

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Leo's P.O.V

I was sleeping next to Raph when I was awoken by his moaning. I opened my eyes and found him moaning in his sleep. I blushed hard and woke him up. "Huh?? Leo?? Why did you wake me up???" " I woke you up because you were moaning, why were you moaning babe?" "Ugh, I think it's just my contractions Leo." "Oh ok baby, sorry I woke you though." "It's okay...can you rub me?" "Sure babe" I said as I started rubbing Raph's stomach. I then turned on the TV and since Raph likes scary movies, I put on "The Visit". Raph and I were watching it until there was a very loud and long lasting scream from the movie and then Raph started screaming. "Lol Raph, nice impression." I said as Raph looked at me in an angry mood. "IMPRESSION??!! I SCREAMED BECAUSE IT'S TIME, YOU ASSHOLE!!!!" Raph yelled at me. " OKAY OKAY, DONNIE!! HELP!!!!" I yelled to Donnie.

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