Chapter 20

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Mikey's P.O.V

I went to watch TV for a bit until my stomach started hurting really badly. I ran to the bathroom and I threw up there and Donnie came behind me. "Baby, are you okay??" Donnie asked me. I thought I should just tell him now. "Well...Donnie I really hope you won't be mad when I tell you this, but I'm.....p-pregnant..." "WHAT?! REALLY?! I'M SO HAPPY!!!!" Donnie shouted and hugged me. "R-really??? I thought you wanted to wait..." "No no, babe it's alright I don't mind." Donnie said and rubbed my stomach as I smiled. "Come babe" Donnie took me to the couch and we cuddled there watching TV. During the commercial break Donnie kissed my neck and kissed my stomach. Let's just say we both had A LOT of hickeys.

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