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Leo's P.O.V

Raph went to the couch to go watch TV as I meditated for a while. I was smiling the whole time I was meditating because of Raph and me dating. I blushed like crazy and Splinter saw me. "My son, are you feeling ok?" Splinter asked. "Yea, I'm perfectly fine Sensai." I answered. Splinter nodded and left. After 5 minutes, I finished meditating and went to watch tv with Raph. I was kind of nervous when I sat next to him. Once I sat down, our shoulders rubbed a little. I blushed slightly and then our knees were touching.

Raph's P.O.V

I noticed that my shoulder and my knee were rubbing agaisnt Leo's. I can definately tell Leo was nervous. So to make things better, I wrapped my arm around Leo. I looked a little to the side and saw him blushing. I smiled and rubbed his leg with my other hand and said, "Leo, we're dating know, you don't need to be nervous." "Sorry, I just...I dunno..I've never been in a relationship like this." Leo said. "I know babe, but know you are now." I said. Leo blushed at the name "babe" and wrapped his arms around my neck and rubbed his nose agaisnt mine. I blushed and pecked his nose and then he blushed. Mikey and Donnie then walked to the lair and sat down close to Leo and Raph. Raph smirked at Leo but then his smirk faded away because Donnie and Mikey are now there. Raph whispered to Leo saying, "Let's take this to my room babe. Trust me, you'll have the time of your life." Raph wiggled his 'eyebrows' and smirked at Leo again. Leo blushed really hard. So they then got up and headed to Raph's room. Donnie and Mikey saw them leaving and then Donnie kissed Mikey's cheek. "Finally, we have the lair all to ourselves now, my cutie." Donnie said. Mikey blushed and smiled.

Should I post the next chapter today?

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