Chapter 18

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Raph's P.O.V

"Uhh... babe I don't know about this right now..." I said to Leo. "Why do you say that??" Leo asked. "I'm pregnant, I don't think we are suppose to fuck..." "Oh babe no worries..I won't go too far..." Leo said as he started sucking on my neck again. "Aghhh.... babe.....yessss...." I moaned. "Babe your so perfect" Leo said. "Oh really, how??" I asked. "Your just soooo sexy, like your attitude, your smirk, your body...." Leo said. "Okay okay I know I am sexy, that's obvious." I said and smirked. Leo just looked at me with googly eyes as I laughed.

Leo's P.O.V

Raph nuzzled me and I nuzzled him back and we had a hot make out session, damn was that good. A few minutes later he asked, "Babe I'm hungry, can I have chocolate and pizza??" "What?? Why would you eat that, are you eating like Mikey now or somethin'???" "NO I'm just hungry and that's what I'm craving." "Oh yeaaa, Donnie told me you would get wierd cravings..." "OK OK JUST GET ME FOOD NOW!!!" Raph yelled at me. "Okay okay babe." I answered back nervously. "Donnie also said he would get mood swings..." I thought to myself as I went to get Raph his food.

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