Chapter 19

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Donnie's P.O.V

"Donnie Donnie Donnie Donnie, babe??" Mikey asked. "Yes cutie, what is it?" I asked as I was working on something. "Uhh..can we have a child?? I really want a child!!" Mikey said aloud. I blushed hard and stopped at what I was working on and faced Mikey. "Babe...I wanna take this relationship slowly..we should we wait. I hope you understand baby" I said as I kissed Mikey's cheek. "Okay" Mikey said as he left. "I really hope I didn't crush him..." I thought.

Mikey's P.O.V

I went to the bathroom and I had secretely took one of Donnie's prgenant readers. I looked at my stomach and smirked."He wants to take it slow? It's too late for that" I said as it read positive.;)

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