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You can listen to that song to get in the mood of this XD.⇧WARNING MATURE CONTENT.

Leo's P.O.V

"Raph, wtf are you doing??" I asked a little wierded out by the position we are in. "I told you babe..I just wanna taste you.." Raph answered. "But I've never done-" I stopped in my sentence when Raph started rubbing one side of my entrance, which is also my ticklish spot. I blushed hard and squirmed a little and then I started to laugh. "What is it babe? You like this??" Raph asked. YES HAHA, IT TICKLES!!" I yelled laughing. Raph smiled and rubbed both sides of my entrance. Raph enjoyed this, but I enjoyed it WAY more. Raph eventually stopped and started kissing and nibbling on my neck. I just moaned.

Raph's P.O.V

Leo just turns me on all the way. member started to stand up. This has happened before, but it hurt this time. I groaned in pain and covered my member away from Leo. "What's the matter babe?" Leo asked softly. "I-It's standing up..." I answered. "What do you mean?" (No pun intended ;]) Leo asked. "My d*ck is standing up, that's what I fucking mean." I answered back in a rude way but not because of Leo, because of my member. Leo looked at where my hands were covering and gently removed my hands away from my member. Then Leo started moving his hands up and down my member as I layed myself back in pleasure."Baby, you don't have to cover yourself away from me, I love how long your d*ck is." Leo said as I blushed madly. "Thanks..ahhh that feels soo-" I stopped as Leo licked my tip. I just moaned loudly because it felt SO good. I then came out all over Leo's hands as he blushed and so did I. "Opps, I'm so sorry babe I didn't mean to-" I stopped in my sentence when Leo started to lick his hands with his eyes closed. I just stared at him and blushed. Once he finished, he got ontop of me and said, "Now, I can fuck you soft, or I can fuck you fast, which do you prefer Raphie?" Leo asked seductively. "Well, since you rubbed me soft, I want you to fuck me fast baby." I answered. "Okay babe, I got you." Leo said softly yet seductively. "I know you got me, my fearless leader." I said and winked at Leo as he smiled. What a sexy leader...

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