Chapter 25

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No one's P.O.V

"My sons, may I hold the babies?" Splinter asked. "Yes father" Leo replied as him and Raph handed the babies to Splinter. Splinter craddled them as both babies made cute noises. Splinter smiled and handed the babies back to Raph and Leo. "They are so beautiful..well done my sons" Splinter said as Raph and Leo blushed. Splinter then walked away.

Leo's P.O.V

I went to the bathroom and then my phone vibrated as I walked in the bathroom. It was a text from Karai.
Karai: Hey Leo, wanna meet up?
Leo: I guess..when?
Karai: Right now babe.

I blushed when she called me that.

Leo: Uhh..sure I'll be on my way..

To be honest, I really missed her. She was so beautiful and just sooo amazing..I wanted to meet up with her. I got out the bathroom and went up to Raph. "Babe, I'm gonna go topside for a bit, can you watch the babies?" "Sure babe, just don't be gone to long.." Raph said as I nodded and left.

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