Chapter 13

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Raph's P.O.V

"HOLY SHIZ! I mean um *clears throat* sons, would you like to explain what is going on?" Splinter asked. "Well you see sensai..we were just train-" I interrupted Leo by saying "WE ARE MAKING SWEET LOVE TO EACH OTHER!" Splinter just looked us. For some reason, Leo just kept squeezing member harder. "Um might wanna let-" Then i cummed. How nice is that infront of Sensai? :) "You know what my sons, I accepted Mikey and Donnie together so I'm accepting you two together..I just hope not to see this again..I'm just going to meditate this out of my head." Splinter said then closed the door and left. "Phew! I'm so glad he accepted us!" I said. "ME TOO!!" Leo said. He hugged me and I hugged him back and kissed his forehead. "Wait..did Sensai say that he accepted Mikey and Donnie together??" I asked. "Yea he did say that." Leo said. Me and Leo smirked at each other. "Who would have thought those two dorks would be together." I said. Leo chuckled.

Meanwhile in Mikey's room...

Mikey's P.O.V

"GIVE ME A BABY DONNIE, PLEASE!!!" I yelled. "I'm trying babe but I don't think my sperm could-" "STOP TALKING AND GO FASTER!!" I interrupted Donnie. Donnie came inside me and we both panted and layed on my bed. "Am I pregnant now, babe?" I asked. Donnie rolled his eyes and playfully pushed me a little. "No Mikey, we are both guys, don't you understand??" Donnie asked. "Soo...what does being a guy have anything to do with being pregnant?" I asked. Donnie then kissed my cheek. "Just stay a teen while you can babe." Donnie said. I smiled at him. "Ok, but I still want a baby tho.." I said. "Mikeyyyyy..." Donnie said. "Ok ok sorry." I said. Donnie kissed my lips delightfully. It then turned to a nice and HOT make out session.

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