Chapter 17

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Leo's P.O.V

"RAPH, WAIT!!!!" I called out. "What the hell is it?!!" Raph shouted. "Babe, trust me I didn't kiss back she just pushed me to the ground and kissed me, please don't skip to conclusion babe...sorry." I said. "*Sigh* It's okay, I'm just tense and worried with this baby, it's like everything bothers me..." Raph said. "Aw babe, come with me and I'll make you feel better" I said.

In Leo's bedroom

Still Leo's P.O.V...
I lightly pushed Raph on the bed and held myself on top of him and then I gently started kissing his neck. "Ahh babe that feels niceeee...." Raph said as I smirked. I started sucking on Raph's neck like a piece of candy so he can have a hickey to mark him as mine.

Sorry I haven't updated in a bit but I hope u like

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