Chapter 22

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Donnie P.O.V
I was with Mikey in the lab I spread his legs out and smirked at him as he blushed hard as I was about to lick him as I heard my name being yelled out.

"I'm coming Leo! Stay there Mikey.." I said as I ran to Leo and Raph.

"Donnie, deliver this baby, NOW!!!" Leo yelled in my face.

"OK, ok lets take him to the lab" I said as I took Raph by his feet and Leo took him by his shoulders since Raph was knocked out.

We laid him on the table in the lab with blankets surrounding him as I got my tools out, ready to deliver the baby.

"Raph, baby, it will be okay..." Leo said to Raph as he was waking up.

Leo P.O.V

"AHHHHH!!!!! I WANT THIS BABY OUT, NOW!!!!!!" Raph yelled as I held his hand and he squeazed my hand so tight, it turned purple.

"OW! Um..Raphie..babe..let my hand go...please..?"

He let my hand go as I sighed in relief.

"Um it alright if I...go down there...since I know you guys LOVE to mess around there..."

I blushed darker than Raph's mask.

"Uh..sure..just be careful down there D.." I told Donnie.

Donnie did what he needed to do as he finall said, "Ok Raph, just push a couple times so that the baby can come out, ok?"

"OK, fine!" Raph yelled.

Raph pushed several times with screams filling the room until finally...the baby came out. Well...two babies came out.

Sorry it has been FOREVER since I have updated this story. But anyway, Happy Valentines Day! ❤️

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