Chapter 18,- The Bond

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Previously in The Magi Hunter:

There was few times the stench of dogs drifted into her lands, but the times it did, she knew there was something wrong.

Patricia stood looking out over her property, which had belonged to her for decades upon decades Everything laid perfectly still, no movement in sight other than from the small animals in the bushes. Soon she knew there would be flowed with wolves, a whole pack of them based on the horrid stench the wind brought with it from the west.

She sipped on the red liquid in her glass, the color lingering on her lips a little longer than red wine would. Sighing in content she closed her eyes and enjoyed the silence before the storm. With a pack of wolves coming, no one would know where this was going.


The thinnest came first, with their noses close to the ground and their body running swiftly low to the ground. Following the first came a wolf as dark as night and bigger than even the largest bear, flanked with smaller ones on each side.

Patricia followed their every movement with her eyes, standing in one of the widows on the second floor.

One by one the wolves changed into humans, four running legs turning to two. Naked male and female werewolves in human form ran the last distance towards the castle.

The huge wooden door to the castle opened as they approached, the hinges creaking as it slowly opened to reveal a dark chest standing in the middle of the hall. The lid had been thrown back, exposing the capes in a variety of colors inside.

One by one the werewolves walked forward, grabbed a cape and walked into the room to the left, where the lights were lit and the smell of food drifted out of.

Patricia stood waiting for them inside, hands folded on her back, calm, cold eyes meeting the pack walking into her castle.

"Feel free to take a bite." She gestured over to the newly set table, with a variety of food placed upon it.

Even with the tempting food in front of them, none of the wolves made a move towards the food. Their alpha held them back.

"We're not here to chat Patricia." Hailen stepped forward, his eyes boring into Patricia's.

"What can I possibly do for you, your highness?" She smiled sweetly, the smile not yet reaching her eyes.

"I need some information."

"What kind of information?" She cocked her head to the side, looking at him curiously.

Hailen stepped closer to her. "I need to know anything you know about the frost palace."

"The frost palace, huh?"

"Ye-" Hailen fell to his knees, hand clutching above his heart.

The people behind him urged forward, his beta was quickly by his side, worry seeping into his eyes.

"Alpha? What's wrong?" He got no answer from Hailen, as his alpha held his eyes shut in pain, almost falling over to his side.

"What are you doing to him?!" The beta looked accusingly up at Patricia, who only shrugged her shoulders, shaking her head.

"I'm not doing anything."

"Connor, stop it." Hailen wheezed, slowly opening his eyes, the pain fading off.


"It's Eve. I know it is." Hailen breathed out.

"What is she doing?" Connor urged on, holding a hand to his alpha's shoulder.

"I don't know." He whispered before passing out, his body falling limply to the floor.


The second their lips met, Eve felt the wave of dizziness hit her and a sharp pain in her heart. It was like someone was trying to rip it out of her chest, claws digging into it as it pulled.

Quickly she pushed herself from Knox's embrace, clutching her hands to her heart. Her knees buckled beneath her, and she was left on the ground.

"Eve?! Are you okay? What happened?" Knox was quickly on the ground beside her, his hands steadying her where she stood on her knees.

"This is wrong." She whispered, hand still clutching her heart.

"What do you mean? What is wrong?"

"Us." She whispered before she blacked out, falling into Knox's hands.


Patricia sat in one of her living rooms, calmly reading a book in front of the fireplace, a cup of warm red liquid by her side. Down the hallway werewolves were pacing back and forth, all of them stopping to a halt for a second at a time when they passed the door in the middle. Inside the room, in a huge bed, lied Hailen still unconscious. His Beta, Connor calmly stood by the window, gazing out upon the landscape, and the moon shining high above. The full moon was soon upon them again, which meant they would be stronger, faster and easy tempered. And at the moment, this full moon would be a living hell for the pack. A stressed alpha, equals a stressed pack. 

In the bed Hailen stirred slightly, his eyes fluttering open. He grunted as he sat up in a sitting position. As soon as Connor heard him he was by his side. 

"You're awake." 

"Yeah, I can feel that." Hailen rubbed the spot over his heart, where the skin looked like it had been burned. Red and hissing the ragged line cut a little distance on his broad chest. 

When Connor and the others had hoisted him into bed, the mark hadn't been there, but it sure as hell was now. 

"What is that?" Connor pointed to Hailen's chest, but Hailen only gave him a weird look before jumping out of bed and trudging over to the mirror at the other end of the room stark naked. 

Hailen studied the mark on his chest, tracing it with his fingers.

"It's where the pain started." He whispered. 

Suddenly his eyes shot up alarmingly. "Something happened to Eve, I could feel it." He quickly turned around, grabbing the robe hanging from a chair near the window, rushing past Connor who didn't seem to know what he was going to do with himself. 

 Hailen stormed out of the room, making the rest of the pack walking around the hallway halt in their steps. With confident steps he walked towards the living room where Patricia sat calmly. 

"Splendid. You're awake." She spoke bored, her eyes never leaving the page in front of her. 

"Tell me about the Frost Palace. Now." 

"Demanding now, are we?" She only mused pack, sipping on the red liquid in her cup. 

"Patricia." Growling he stepped towards her, making her throw her arms up in mock surrender. "Okay, okay, calm it now. I'll tell you." She motioned for the chair beside her and Hailen sat down stiffly, his muscles tense. 

Patricia sighed heavily, before starting off with the story of The Frost Palace. 

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