Chapter 8,- Watchful Blue Eyes

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Previously in The Magi Hunter:

My hands held tighter around his neck, drawing him closer to me. I felt him relax as well, as his once very tense shoulders grew soft.
I have no idea how long we stood there tangled in each other, but at last we broke apart. My mind a complete mess, and with ragged breath.

"What did you say again?" Hailen looked into my eyes, all sparkly and full of life. His tone was playful, but even so you could hear the little challenge lying in the words.

"Nothing. Nothing at all."


I clenched and unclenched my fists, feeling the powers seeping back into my muscles as I injected the warlock blood.
Looking up into the mirror in front of me, I saw my eyes glow of purple. It looked just as surreal as the first time.
I was back in the room I woke up in, as I had locked myself up here for an hour already, trying to calm myself.
My mind wasn't as cloudy as an hour ago, and I had been going through what happened ever since I could control my own thoughts.
It was weird, because it didn't feel like me at the time. Why would I let him do that?! Him of all people.
I closed my eyes, seeing that my anger were rising just by thinking of it. Which didn't really help, seeing the newly injected blood boil, and small sparks to begin to fly around me.
The door to the room wasn't locked from the outside anymore, meaning I could walk out of here if I wanted to.
That little kiss had made Hailen think I would run from him on the earliest opportunity. Stupid dog.
I walked over to the window, having gotten back all of my precious stuff, and opened it, feeling the fresh air hit my face.
The sun was setting, so it wasn't that easy to spot me as I climbed out of the window and landed swiftly on the ground far below. The blood had had enough time to work.
I sneaked along side the wall, around the corner when I saw him. He was patrolling around in the little garden in front of me. It was easy seeing it was him, despite the enormous change he had gone through since last time I saw him.
He was taller, more muscular and looked more manly in general, but he still looked a little boyish.
He still had that watchfulness in his blue eyes, which reminded me so much of dad's, and his blond-brown hair from his mother.
I think he felt me watching, because he started to look around, but I held myself behind of a tree.
"I know you're here, I can feel you."
I heard his voice in my head, a little darker than when I last saw him, but it was his.
My breath shook, making too much noise for him to not hear. In a blink he was there in front of me, all tall and handsome, but for me he looked like the little boy in my memory still, after all these years.
"Eve." He said with such relief and joy, you could almost taste it in the words.
"It's really you isn't it?" His voice shook and tears were welling up in his eyes.
I nodded, not trusting my voice.
Before I knew it, he had engulfed me in a tight hug, tears streaming down his face and down on my shoulder. Without a sound or motion I let a single tear roll down my cheek, as I hugged my little brother back for the first time in too many years.
"Liam..." I whispered. "I've missed you, little pup."


Hey guys!
Long time no see~ sorry about that....
Short chapter I know, but I felt it couldn't be any longer than this^_^

I hope you are all having a great time!

What do you think of the story so far?
Sorry for any spelling mistakes, I'm on my phone...


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