Chapter 4.- Alpha

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Empty. That was the first thing I felt when I found myself again at last. The emptiness and something unfamiliar, like a warm cape tight around your body on a cold winter day. It felt safe, maybe because it was only a feeling, an illusion that weak humans think can make them happy.

A soft material brushed against my skin all over, and I felt like I was lying on a cloud in the sky.

I could hear myself breathing heavily as I do when I sleep, but it was if I was in a trance, where I only can hear and feel, but nothing else.

Someone else was in the room with me, a strong heartbeat and a steady breathing not far from where I was currently lying on my back.

Something on my neck was tickling, but I knew nothing was touching it. It was like it came from under my skin, but not in a parasite kind of way, more like a soft caress of a feather.

There was a lot of sound in the house or whatever I was in. More people it sounded like. Voices coming from below me, so I'm guessing I'm on the second floor or higher.

What was weird in all of this was the fact that it all seemed so friendly, and not guarded as it should have been in a situation like this one.

My eyes felt like sand paper, like I had been out of if for days upon days. The first thing I saw was the cream white roof, with some kind of pattern in gold. Someone moved beside me, and I felt someone squeezing my hand, as if the person was reassuring themselves that I was still there.

My neck was as stiff as it felt when I turned my head, and when I did so, I heard the heartbeat to the person beside me pick up in speed.

The man, or maybe I should say boy, my eyes fell upon when I turned my head was full on gorgeous. I didn't even know such people existed.

He was obviously tall, you could see that even though he was sitting down, and his tanned skin and brown yellow eyes shone in the light in the room. His half short black hair only added to the effect of his almost glowing eyes.

If that wasn't perfect enough he was quite muscular, but not too much, and his features was sharp, unlike any human I had ever seen. But on the other hand, this guy did not seem human at all.

"You're awake!" A smile spread across his handsome face and his eyes litt up like a candle in the dark.

I had to be honest, I did not have any words in that moment. My whole body wanted to go closer to him as soon as I laid my eyes on him, but my mind screamed for me to run as fast as I could away from him.

So what did I end up doing? I laid completely still, just looking at the guy by my bed.

"Aren't you going to say anything?" His smile fell, but the happiness remained in his eyes.

I needed to pull myself together, this wasn't me, what so ever. So I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. When I opened them again, he was still there looking at me with a good kind of wonder in his eyes.

"Where am I?" I tried to sound calm and not let my clouded mind keep me from looking my strong usual self.

His lips curled up in a little smile, still staring at me with those warm glowing eyes.

"Lunarix Castle, an hour away from Woodstock were you probably last remember you were."

Lunarix? Isn't that...

"And you are?" The tone in my voice grew more suspicious, my body ready to run now, even when my screaming heart to stay where I was.

"Hailen." At presenting himself, even he seemed to tense up, ready for any of my next movements.

And he had reason too, because as soon as he said so, I made ready to jump, but my consciousness was still clouded and reaction not as fast as in my normal state. Before I had even as much as gotten out of the bed he was over me. Pinning me down with his body, leaning on me, but not enough to hurt me.
I tried getting lose, but there was no use. I felt weak, like I just had been freezing and had come into the warmth.

"Let go of me." I whispered through gritted teeth.

A flash of hurt passed his eyes, but were gone as soon as it came. He just looked down on me with a soft gaze that made my body go in full gelè mode.

"I'm sorry love, but I am afraid I can't do that." His voice was again like honey and butter mixed together. 

"And why is that?" My anger was rising and I almost couldn't hold myself in spitting out the words in his face. 

"Because then you will only run away." His face remained the same as he said so, like his face were suddenly made of stone. 

"You don't sa-"

"Alpha, You-" I was cut off by a well build guy with the same dark features as Hailen storming in the door, with not as much as an warning, but stopping mid sentence in what he was supposed to say when he saw us. 

"Oh... It looks like I am interrupting something..." He looked awkwardly over at us.

First then did I realize what a position we were in and what it must look to others. Hoping that Hailen's attention was somewhere else I tried pushing again, but this time as well to no use. It was like pushing a rock. No, scratch that, pushing a rock is easier. It was like pushing a mountain. 

"What is it Connor?" His voice was calm and threatening, and like he wasn't trying to hold me down what so ever. 

"The Hunters Council wants to speak to you."

At that my head snapped Connors way. The Hunters Council? Maybe they knew I was here after all. 

"Tell them I'll be there in a minute. Just go fetch me some rope." 

Without a lingering a second Connor was out the door, but not more than 10 seconds passed before he was back in the door, with a long rope in hand. 

"Now I want you to cut it into four pieces." Hailen ordered.

I turned slowly to look at Hailen, finally understanding where he was going with that rope thing. He was going to tie me to the bed!

"Don't you dare." I looked at him with like I was ready to kill him, but he only smiled back at me.

"Oh, but I do, love."

Connor went over to my feet binding each foot to separate sides of the bed, then doing the same to my hands, so I now was laying on the bed in an X form. 

Hailen got off me, but not walking away from the bed. 

"Just go tell them I'm coming, I'll be right behind you Connor." Hailen's eyes were looking me straight in the eye, but he compared to me looked calm. 

His hand cupped my cheek, before without a word walking out of the room and locking the door behind him. 

I could hear him walking away, and I was alone.




I know there has been a long time since I updated, I will try to be fast with the next chapter.

Hope you like it.





Thank you for reading, *hugs*

- Hanne

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