Chapter 6,- Patterns

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The door made a clicking sound as it swung open and Hailen stepped in. I was sitting in his office with the picture in my hands, clutching it hard. Almost afraid to let it go. 

I have no idea how long I have been sitting here or how long he has been gone for that case. 

He walked straight past the door to the office and into the bedroom where he though I was still laying on his bed. Did he really think those stupid little ropes would hold me down for the amount of time he was gone?

He stopped right in his tracks when he didn't see me anywhere in the bedroom, it was almost fun to watch from a distance. Even a little smile made it's way to my lips for a second. He looked so frantic around, like he was in panic or something. From where I sat you could see straight trough the living room and into the bedroom, it almost shocked me that he hadn't seen me here yet, just on the other side of the room.

It looked like he was about to shout something but then he looked over to the office and spotted me sitting in the chair behind the desk, and he let out a breath I did not know he was holding.  

"What are you doing in there?" He asked me, while walking into the office. 

He still hadn't taken his eyes from mine, so he hadn't noticed the picture in my hand, but when I didn't answer him and directed my gaze down to my lap, he followed my gaze. 

I didn't see his face, but the next thing I knew he was behind me, his hands locked over my own, carefully removing them from the iron grip I had on the frame. It wasn't until he did this that I noticed how hard I had been holding it. A thin line of blood ran down my forearm on both hands, showing the strength in which I had been holding the frame. 

He took the picture from me and sat it gently down on the desk, giving it a little glance in the process. 

"Let me see that." His voice was surprisingly soft, and I gave him a sideways glance as he took my hands in his, looking closely at the small wounds. 

I tried pulling my hands away, but he only held them tighter.

"Don't." He didn't even look up when he said so and continued to look at the wounds, before he reached out to one of the drawers and pulled out a first aid kit. 


A minute later my hands where plastered, and Hailen was still on his knees in front of me, packing the first aid kit down again. 

"Hungry?" He looked up to me, and the only thing I could seem to do was to look weirdly back at him.

Why was he asking me this? Why was he being nice? Is he trying to poison me?

As if reading my mind he quickly added.

"I'm not going to poison you, I promise." His voice was still calm, even gentle, which was a rare way of an Alpha to speak in. Only their mate and children were the ones an alpha was supposed to be soft with. 

I continued to look at him strangely, but walked out of the office with him like I was in some kind of trance. My head reasoned myself with that the reason I was following him was that my stomach would begin with an uproar against me if I did not give it something to eat real soon. 

The corridors were long, huge and impossible to remember which way you just turned. The only difference when you rounded a corner was the paintings on the walls, or a vase of some sort. Even I had a problem remembering the way back to where we came from.

"How long was I out?" 

Why not get him to talk?

"For about a day."

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