Chapter 23,- The End Of You

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Previously in The Magi Hunter:

He could feel how it pulsated in his hand, almost burning his kind just by a single touch, but he held tight. He had no idea how he was supposed to do this, nor how it worked. All he knew was that Eve had merely held it in her hand and it had effected them in some way. He thought back at the attack she preformed on them, how could she have made them faint?

Suddenly the fog inside of the dagger seemed to just seep out of the handle following the blade forward towards Eve. It all happened in some kind of slow motion, because Eve didn't seem to see it coming before the fog wrapped itself around her and she started to fall to the ground, her body limp.

Hailen quickly darted forward, capturing her in his arms before she fell to the floor.


The gnawing feeling of guilt slowly rose in Hailen's chest. He had harmed his mate, struck her so she fell unconscious. This was his worst nightmare coming true. Harming her was even worse than loosing her in Hailen's eyes. He hadn't really known what he had been doing, but even so he had done it and nothing could suffice for that.

Protecting his pack members or not.

"Hailen?" Connor's voice shook him from his trance where he sat on the ground cradling Eve's unconscious body in his arms.

Hailen nodded weakly, caressing Eve's cheek with his thumb. With so many nights alone since he had finally found her, he would never have imagined their reunion like this.

"What do you want us to do?"  Connor asked carefully, standing a safe distance away from his alpha.

Hailen didn't answer. He just stared down at the limp body of his mate in his arms. Carefully he bowed down, hugging her body to him.

"I'm sorry, my love." He whispered, placing a soft kiss to her cheek, a sigh escaping Eve's lips from the gesture, but nothing else happened. She was still  very much unconscious.

"Liam." Hailen's voice rang through the room without wavering.

Liam was by his side in a second.

"Stay with your sister. Don't go anywhere. Connor, you're coming with me. Trackers, split into two, the best of you stay back with Liam, the rest come with us." Hailen ordered, as he gently laid Eve down onto the floor, nodding shortly at Liam before getting to his feet again, turning to Connor.

Hailen grabbed the dagger on the floor, determined to find a way out of there.


The hallway lay silent in front of them, the iced floors reflecting the light from the moon. Every step they took forward almost made them go plundering to the floor, loosing their footing more often than not.

Lively music, enchanting as a full moon night echoed from far away, drawing everything in with its music, the chatter and laughter traveling along with it telling them it was no ordinary music they were hearing.

Sometimes they would notice something move in the shadows, flashes of silver and red moving among it, but as soon as they would turn their head to look, it would be gone again.

The sound of music echoed from a room far down the hall, light pouring out from underneath double doors at the very end.

A sudden banging erupted from behind one of the many doors lining the wall to their right. Hailen and Connor shared a quick glance, Hailen nodding shortly, as they diverted their path on the icy ground to the door slightly moving because of the force used to bang on it.

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