Chapter 20,- Your Past Makes You Blind

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Previously in The Magi Hunter:

He will keep anyone he suspects to know about the dagger's whereabouts in his palace, keeping them there until they don't even know where they come from.

The dagger of dreams and the magical palace will once again be one, when the collector of magic and blood once again will stand before the master in utter surrender to him. 


Knox sighed in frustration, putting his head in his hands. He had been trying to go through the few shelves of books in the room he had been locked in, hoping that maybe there was something here that could explain the missing time lapse in Eve's mind.

But so far he had found nothing. 

By now Knox could swear on his life that the shelves was reorganizing itself, so there was always books there on the wall he had not even come close to, but it would be madness to think something like that. 

Although Knox, with his years of hunting, considered the possibility well before dismissing it.
One never knows with fearies.

Eve still hadn't come to her senses after the kiss. She seemed to just simply have fallen into unconsciousness, and even someone as inexperienced within the field of kissing like Knox was, knew that a kiss could not make a person faint. 

And there was something about what Eve had said right before she had passed out that kept repeating in his mind. 

"This is wrong." 

Why was it wrong? Didn't she like him like he liked her? She hadn't stopped him when he leaned in, so why pull away like that?

Maybe he had taken her by surprise? Yeah, that could be it. 

Knox looked over at the door. He knew it was locked with some sort of magic, so there was no way of him getting out of here anytime soon. 

Eve could have managed to though. She always seemed to have a solution to everything, even magical locks. But right now Eve was probably in a completely different place in the palace, somewhere he could not reach. 


Beads of sweat scattered her forehead, her eyebrows furrowed and her face showed every sign of her being uncomfortable. 

She was still unconscious, and had been so for the past hours. Erkirhul had had his healers take a look at her as soon as he had moved her out of that room with the hunter, but they could not tell him what was wrong with her. Although they had guessed it be the spell she was bound to when in the palace could be having a negative effect on her soul. 

First it had just seemed like she had fainted, now it seemed like she was in some kind of paralyzed sleep. Whimpers escaped her slightly parted lips from time to time and one could see her scrunch her face in distress. 


Darkness. That was what surrounded her, but from time to time a light would shine down on her from a little window  high up on the wall, illuminating her surroundings. 

She was in a tiny room, dirt floor and walls surrounded her, and in one of the corners sat a bundle of blankets, shaped as a person. Somehow she knew it was a person, it was like a natural fact, like that the sky is blue. 

The person never moved when the light swept across the little room, and didn't seem to even notice her there. It was like she was some kind of ghost. 

There was a clunking sound coming from the door and soon light illuminated the room as the hinges on the door screamed as the door opened. 

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