Chapter 3.- Woodstock

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The dungeons were cold and dark, far below the ground. There was no heat down here, and far from any light.
I was shivering from the cold because my body was no longer able to produce warmth because of the lack of food.
It seemed as if they had forgotten me down here, not even bringing me any food, which was a cruel move, even for them.
We had been through this in training thousand of times, training our body not to freeze to death in an instant, and I must say, that hard training finally came in handy.
At the end of the hall of cells there was a door, that hadn't been opened since I came here, but that's not my point. My point is at this very moment the door creaked open and someone came walking in. I could only see his silhouette because of the sharp light coming from behind him, it was certainly a him. Broad shoulders and muscular arms, maybe around 1, 90 meters. He didn't turn on any light so he could see where he was walking, neither did he bring any.
He stopped right outside of my cell and pushed something beneath the bars, towards me.
I looked down on, a plate with a single piece of dry bread and a bottle of water. Oh, how classic of them, I thought keeping it for myself though.
I looked up at the man in front of me, his gaze on the wall behind me with no motion on going anywhere in the near future. I looked down, but before my gaze shifted to the food in front of me again, I caught a glance of some keys hanging from his belt. Another classic detail, wow, these guys amaze me! I thought, looking down on my "food".
"Ehm...Are you just gonna stay there?" I asked, my voice coming out more raspy than I thought, but it made sense since the only talking I had done the last couple of days was whispering to myself so I wouldn't go insane.
"Alpha's orders." He only replied, not even looking down at me.
"Well, if you could please turn around at least while I'm eating, that would have been great." He gave me a quick glance, then nodded and turned his back to me.
I began munching on my little piece of bread, making as much sound as possible as I ate. The keys were closer to me now, and in reach. I scooted a bit closer to the bars and stretched my hand out to grab it as I continued to eat my food loudly. Years of sneaky training finally paid off, as I successfully managed to take the keys from his belt without a sound. However, when I took the keys in between the bars, towards me, they came in contact with it, making a little bell-like sound. The guard began to turn around, but I quickly kicked the plate my bread had been lying on, making a more darker, but close enough sound to the keys.
By the time he turned to me, I had managed to hide the keys in my boots and make it look like I had just accidental pushed the plate. I muttered a silent "sorry" and he asked if I was done and I only nodded my head in response, gave him the plate and watched him walk off again, taking the light from the door with up behind the door.
As I heard the door close I hurriedly took the keys out of my boots, fumbling a little in the dark before my hands found the door of the cell and the lock. Making as little sound as possible I tried out each key, and of course it had to be the last key I tried that was the right one. The door swung open and I was free to walk around. I left the keys in the lock, and walked silently along the hallway and over to where I knew the door was, my eyes now seeing outline of everything around me.
I could hear voices on the other side of the door, some men speaking. At the moment all I wanted was to escape silently, so even though it was very tempting to just burst through that door and kill off every single person on the other side of that door, I couldn't. I needed to get out of here, and without my weapons I was weaker. All of the powers I had collected over time, was unusable at the moment because of my body's current energy level.
Creeping over to the end of the hall, I looked around, hoping there was some way out of here except through that door.
A soft wind fanned over my face from above and I looked up. It was like a long tunnel going straight up, and if I wasn't wrong I could see the faint light of the sun up there.
I looked around, spotting a chair by the wall. Dragging it over to under the tunnel, I climbed on top of it and jumping up into the tunnel, my arms and legs spread out, so they would press against the tunnel walls and hold me up. And they did.
Carefully I began to climb, and it wasn't until now that I felt just how little energy was left in my body, but I kept climbing until I was on the top.
I looked around to find myself on a little field, just some 30 meters away from a huge house that I assumed was the pack house.
I climbed off, going down on my knees to keep myself better off sight from the house. Just as I climbed off, I heard shouting from beneath me, and I knew they had found out my cell was empty. Oh, so now you guys decide to go check on me often, huh?
I started running in the exact opposite direction as the house, into the forest that seemed to stretch out for miles. Inside the forest I continued to run, faster than I had ever run before and certainly for a longer time as well. I don't know for how long I had been running when I heard the first howl.
The moon was up, and to my "luck" it was a full moon tonight.
The howl soon transformed to howls, as I could swear I heard them running in between the trees around me.
Into view came an old road, that somewhat seemed familiar and I kept running until I got to it, then following it in the best direction I thought at the moment.
Some minuted after the large gate came into view, the gate I thought I would never see again.
The wolves growled behind me further down the road as they spotted me in front of the huge gate, with the letters Woodstock Orphanage on it.
There was no time for me to dwell on the past as I opened the gate and slipped inside, closing it behind me. Running up the familiar path to the house, and without even thinking opening the door, stepping inside and locking the door behind me with the key I knew was under one of the feet on the nearest table as it always had been.
Although I was a bit shocked to see it still was there, since the orphanage had been shut down two years ago and was now just another abandoned house.
Hearing the growls very near the door got me running again, this time up the stairs and up to the attic. I quickly closed the door behind me, leaning against it in exhaustion, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath.
When I opened my eyes again, it was like I had gone back two years in time, seeing everything as it was that time. The far too small bed, that one wardrobe that I luckily had all by myself and that little rug hanging on the wall in front of my secret room, where I kept all my secrets.
I slowly reached out for the rug, but just as I touched it I heard a window chatter downstairs, meaning they are in the house. This whole house was far from soundproof, and I could hear two of them heading upstairs. When they came to the second floor, only one continued up to the attic. At that moment I knew there was nothing I could do, so I reached out for the rug one more time, taking it aside to show me the loose strips of wood, leading to my secret room.
There was no need hiding in there, they would just follow my smell and find me easily. So I just sat there looking in at all of my childhood memories. Pictures, stuffed animals, clothes, letters and my old teethes. My whole childhood in one place. I heard a loud growl outside the door, just as it swung up and someone stepping inside.
I didn't dear to turn around, so I kept my back to what I assumed was a him. A second after he came into the room, he stopped growling, sniffing the air instead. Small sparks flew around my body, and I could hear him gasp and mutter something under his breath.
It must have passed a minute before I heard him begin to walk towards me. Before I could turn around or even react, I felt his hands on my shoulder and his breath on my neck. My breath hitched in my throat with the touch and I'm sure a whole zoo had moved into my stomach, but they soon faded as a sharp pain rushed through my body, making me feel weak.
Dark dots began to form in my vision and I felt myself passing out.
The last thing I remember hearing before I was completely gone was the word "finally" from a deep voice that was softer than butter.
Hello Pumpkins!
How are you all doing?
This chapter is for my great friend who are going to read this on her way to work, so I'm going to wish her a good day, because I would probably be asleep when she reads this because I have holiday and my working days for the summer is over.
So this chapter is for my friend Martina! Have a good day at work, so don't die on me my fellow potterhead!
Now I will probably go have a nightmare about that Drarry fanfic I read today (sent to me by none other than the Gryffindor mentioned above...).
*hug* good night<3 (at least for me)

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