Catching up from 1994 - 2002

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I thought it would be nice for you readers to know what has happen between 1994 - 2002 so here comes and short catch up on that ;)

After I moved to California I had a hard time getting over Marshall, I thought about him everyday but I just had to get it together.

In 1995 Lucas told me that Marshall and Kim were expecting a child in December, it was really heartbreaking to hear because the thought about him being back together with her made me angry, it was everything he told me he would never do but I had no right to be angry after what I did to him, but I was anyways.

In 1996 Lucas send me the CD Marshall had released but I only listened to it once, because I was doing a lot better and I didn't needed to be reminded of him, it was good though.

In the beginning of 1999 I moved to New York and became partner with the owner of Club In, my now fiancé was looking for a partner because he was so busy with the club in New York and this club in LA so I wanted me to help him out. I actually started working at the club in LA where I pretty much ran the whole thing there but I got moved to the other department and I was fine with that because New York was my city. So I became Kevin's partner because he trusted me, because he had seen how I ran things in LA.
A lot of celebrities visits our clubs so it's going pretty well and I've become pretty wealthy.

In 1999 Lucas also called and told me that Bugz was dead and that was the worst news ever, specially because I couldn't come to the funeral because I wasn't physically or mentally ready to go back to Detroit.

In 1999 was also the year Marshall got signed and released his album, it was crazy because suddenly I had to see him all over MTV.

In 2000 me and Kevin started dating, at first it was a secret because I thought it looked bad me dating my partner even though he made me his partner before we started dating.

Earlier this year Kevin purposed to me and I said yes so we're getting married in March and we're in the end of September now so in about 6 months I'm officially a married woman and I can't wait.

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