Chapter One

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On The Walk
Its pretty early in the morning, so the streets are dead. Ive only seen one or two cars pass, im not used to that. Apparently not a lot of people walk around here either. Fine by me, less distractions for Axel.
I decided to get to know L.A. more while im already on the walk. I walk on the more busy streets, some back streets too. I didnt realize that i walked towards the famous peoples houses until i see these glorious mansions. Ive passed by Adam Sandlers house, Jennifer Aniston, Johnny Depp, and Tina Fey so far. Its cool how i might be able to see these actors just being themselves, just walking in the street or something.
Ive just been admiring these mansions, then i feel Axel start running towards some guy. "Axel! Slow down buddy!" I yell, he keeps running towards the man, i pull back so Axel doesnt tackle the man to the ground, when we reach the man, Axel sits and looks between me and the man. "Im sorry about my dog, he can be a pain sometimes..." I apologize.
"Its quite alright. Whats his name?" The man asks, he sounds strangely familiar. He has a deep, somewhat raspy voice, but i cant put my finger on it. I cant tell what he looks like because hes wearing a baseball cap and shades. Im probably talking to a freakin actor and not knowing who it is! Shit! Ive been thinking too long and never answered his question.
"Um, Axel. His name is Axel." I say nervously.
"Like, Axel Rose? Guns n roses?" I chuckle, not many people know old bands these days.
"I guess so, it wasnt really intentional. Like a week after i got him, someone asked me the same thing.... So ill go with it, yes like Axel Rose." I ramble. Why am i rambling?! I dont even know this man!
"I never got your name?" He says, taking his hat off so i see his jet black hair, messy, but yet, perfect?
"Sorry, im Reagan, and yours?" I ask, he chuckles, i give him a confused look.
"Either, you dont know me, or you cant recognize me." He then takes off his shades and my mouth freaking drops. I am talking to THE ROBERT DOWNEY JR!!!!!! I am speechless, he waves his hand to try and get my attention. "Hello? Anybody in that head??" He asks, being sarcastic. How could i be soooo stupid and oblivious!?
"Y-your r-r-Robert Downey J-Jr...." I stutter. Damn my stutter!
"Yes i am, in the flesh. Thats good that you do know me, i would feel stupid if you didnt..." In my head i am screaming, but outside im frozen. Im also mentally thanking my dog for leading me to him. "Would you like some coffee? Just a friendly gesture for a fan.." Did he just ask me out!? Wait, doesnt he have a wife???
"Do you ask all of your fans? Because this seems crazy.... And dont you have a wife?" I ask, i immediately regret what i said.
"Yes, i do have a wife, but its not a date, like i said, a gesture. And i dont with all fans, actually, only you so far...." I am going to die right now.
"Okay, sure. Right now? Does it even allow dogs?" Why all the questions Reagan!?
"Yes right now and i have my ways to allow the dog in." Why is he so charming?
"Okay, let me call my roommate and tell her im going to take longer than expected." He nods as we walk down the street, he already put his hat and shades on again. I call Addison.
A- Hey Ray, wassup?
R- Hey Addy, this is going to take longer than expected, so i wont be back for awhile.
A- Alright, where ya going?
R- Just to get some coffee.
A- With Axel?
R- Im gonna walk the Starbucks drive through and drink it on a bench.
A- Your weird, okay see ya later than.
R- Bye.
I hang up and Robert gives me a confused look. "What?" I ask.
"Why did you lie to her?"
"Well, lying is a strong word... And i did it because you really want me telling her that im going out with a celebrity? Ok, technically not 'going out' but you know what i mean."
"Is she a crazy fan?"
"Not exactly, i dont mean to make you upset, but she likes captain america way more." He holds his heart and acts offended.
"Someone doesnt like me?" He asks, being sarcastically offended. Is that a thing? Oh well, it is one now.
"She likes you, but she prefers Chris Evans. Most of my friends do, i would always start an argument because i would be on your side. Then it went to war and it was me against everyone else. But i had great arguments so i believe i won." He chuckles.
"Im guessing im your favorite superhero?" I just nod. "Actor?" I nod again. "Hmmmmm, favorite detective? Doctor? Lawyer? Everything else ive acted as?" I nod many times. "So im your favorite everything?" I nod once more. "Do you ever talk?"
"Yes, just i never thought id be talking to my favorite actor of all time."
"How did i become your favorite actor?"
"Well, Addison actually. We were talking about the avengers and she told me her top three and so did i. Before you my order was Hawkeye, Captain, then you. She said Captain, you, then Hawkeye. But then we started talking about you and i realized, wait. This guy is absolutely gorgeous! Then i started looking at picture, movies, videos. I know your songs, even with sting. Then i couldnt stop talking about you. Here i am now."
"Wow. So Addison liked me more at the time than you? Wow."
"Hey, i like you now! Plus i called you gorgeous."
"I prefer sexy." My eyes widen, hes so straight forward. Hes right, but straight forward.
"Um, i dont know how to respond to that...." He chuckles.
"Sorry, i like to mess with people. Most people would say 'hell yeah your sexy!' But obviously your different. Why is that?"
"Im not denying it, but your married and i respect that. Plus, as you can tell, im shy."  
"Definitely. And i like that you respect my marriage, most girls want to kill Susan. Its flattering but not at the same time. I dont want anyone killing my wife."
"When i wish her a happy birthday, my one friend asks why and i say because shes cool amd im nice and she will say i would want to kill her and i say well i dont."
"Thats nice of you, she will probably like you. And believe me, she doesnt like fan girls."
"Gee, i wonder why?" I say sarcastically. We get our coffee and just talk about ourselves, you know the favorite color, have any siblings, what do you do for a living. Most of those were him asking me since i know him.
"Lets swap numbers, i would like to be friends." Did he just ask me for my number!?!?!? Im going to die again!
"Um, s-sure." Damn stutter again! We swap phones and type our numbers in, he takes longer because he took a selfie and put it as his contact photo. I hear a camera and he takes a picture of me, i probably look ugly in it, great.
"Oh, im so changing your name in my phone to 'Girl who wont admit that im sexy'"
"What! Unfair! I admitted it, i just didnt say it... But ill change yours to 'Cocky actor friend'"
"Cocky, huh?"
"Oh, shut up! Your such a child!" He shows me his phone on my contacts and its a decent pic of me, but the name i dont approve of. I snatch his phone and edit the name to 'Shy girl with dog.' Then i give it back before he can take it.
"'Shy girl with dog' really? I like mine better. Plus its my phone, i can change it without you even knowing."
"True, but i dont want your wife seeing that and thinking im a whore."
"She wont think your a whore, i typed the name myself so she should be mad at me. If anything. And i prefer mine in your phone as 'sexy actor friend.'"
"Would you stop with the sexy!?"
"Why should i? You know its true. Come on, say it. Just say im sexy and i wont bother you with anymore."
"Oh please. Then you wont shut up about me saying that you are sexy. Because your cocky!"
"I sure am cocky!" He says, smirking. Why do i even speak?
"You know what i meant!!!! Full of yourself!!!!!" I read the time on my phone and its almost lunchtime. "Shit, Robert i have to go, i still have to unpack all of my stuff in my new house."
"Oh, so you are new here?"
"Yes. Ill see you around, Cocky Actor Friend!"
"Wait, Girl That Wont Admit That Im Sexy!" He rushes over to me. "Let me walk you, i kinda want to meet Addison."
"Alright." I pull on Axels leash so he will walk. We walk and talk for about five minutes until we reach my house.
"This is your house?" He asks, i nod. "Nice."
"Come in, Addison might be in her room unpacking." We walk in and i let Axel loose. "ADDISON!" I yell, i hear her come down the stairs.
"I want you to meet Robert." She sees Robert and she is frozen.
"Tell me this is your fantasy and im somehow a part of it. Is Chris Evans and Hemsworth gonna walk through our door too!?"
"Nope, just Robert. You know, the best avenger."
"Hi, Addison, nice to meet you."
"Thats where you were!? Why did you lie to me!?"
"Because, youd probably tell me to behave and shit."
"Well yeah! Hes the only thing you talk about!!"
"Really?" Robert says.
"Uh, yeah! Your apparently on her mind 24/7! Im surprised she hasnt died yet." Robert chuckles, i give Addison a death glare.
"Well, she didnt tell me that."
"Okay, nice meeting you Robert! But i have to get unpacking and im sure you need to either film or get to Susan!" I say, practically pushing him out to avoid any more embarrassment.
"Actually i dont, but this conversation isnt over, and we will talk again, Girl Who Wont Admit Im Sexy!" He yells as he walks away. I blush then Addison speaks up.
"'Girl Who Wont Admit Im Sexy'!? Oh my god he likes you!"
"As a friend, calm down. Hes 'Cocky Actor Friend' to me. He made dirty jokes about it though." She chuckles, i hit her then get to my room to unpack. I cant stop thinking about Robert even more now. It was probably the best day of my life!

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