Chapter Three

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How do i answer that question? Of course i think he is sexy, but why would i say it to his wife? Before i decide to lie, Robert starts talking. "Susan, im sure she thinks im sexy. But thats doesnt mean anything because she respects our marriage. You dont have to worry about a thing, right?" He then turns to me.
"Exactly." I say, nodding my head.
"Alright. I was just wondering because of the nicknames." Then Susan walks away into the kitchen to order pizza.
"You get to pick what movie we watch." Robert says as we go into his amazing living room.
"What are the options?" I ask as we sit on the couch.
"How about the iron mans, sherlock holmes', or any other movie of mine." Of course those are the options.
"Alright, Sherlock Holmes."
"The first one or game of shadows?"
"Game of shadows, but im warning you, i might freak out at the end when sherlock 'dies.'" He chuckles.
"Ok, game of shadows it is. Also, i think Susan really likes you."
"Really? She asked me if i thought you were sexy... That seemed like a trust test to me."
"For most people, she would look at them for a second and send them on their way. Your still here so...."
"Okay. She doesnt think im going to steal you away, does she?"
"No, no she doesnt. Im not Tony Stark in real life. Susan is my Pepper now, im no playboy."
"Im sorry, i didnt mean it like that."
"Im kidding. Your not good with jokes, are you?"
"Well, not when im around my favorite actor who makes me nervous because hes so straight forward." He gives me a confused look.
"Im straight forward?"
"Uh... Yeah!" I said like its obvious.
"Well, how about when you said that you would be naked when i came here...."
"Oh, that." He starts laughing. "Most girls would say, 'im fine with that!' But once again, your different. You have this shell that nobody can crack. Why is that?"
"What do you mean? I have a shell?"
"It seems like it. You dont trust a lot of people, do you?" Again with being straight forward! Ugh!!!!
"Would you? I mean, trust is a pretty big deal..... If that gets broken one day, then its hard to gain it back, even for people who are trustworthy."
"What happened to your trust if you dont mind me asking."
"I told too many people too many secrets. Because, at some point in life, everyone knows everything." He gives me the confused look again.
"What do you mean? Like, when your secrets get out, everyone hears about them?"
"I guess so. Have you ever watched the movie Random Hearts?"
"I cant say that i have."
"I have.." Susan says, i didnt even know she was in the room.
"Well, its about a sergeant who loses his wife in a plane crash. A girl in politics, loses her husband in the same plane crash. The wife and the husband were sitting next to eachother on the plane, going to the same destination. Turns out, they were having an affair. Later, the sergeant and girl in politics finds out, and eventually they fall in love. The girl in politics has a daughter who doesnt know about the affair or that her mother is in love with the sergeant. But, later in the movie, the daughter finds out both, and it spreads everywhere. So, everybody knows everything eventually." I finish up, but i think i lost Robert. "Do you get it, or not?"
"So, because the secret came out, everybody knew everything?" I nod my head. "Ok, then yes i get it."
"So, the pizza will be here in about a half an hour. What movie are we going to watch?" Susan changes the subject.
"Reagan decided Game of Shadows."
"Oh, thats a good one! My favorite part is when Robert looks like a girl." I start laughing and Robert makes a pouty face.
"My favorite part is when you find out he isnt really dead. It just makes me want the third one out as soon as possible."
"My favorite part is when the incredibly sexy Sherlock is being, well, incredibly sexy...." Of course Robert would say that.
"Alright we get it Robert, your full of yourself."
"Well, i am if its the truth..." Then the doorbell rings, if thats the pizza, that was fast. Robert gets up and pays for it. "Pizza is here early."
We eat the pizza, two slices for me and Susan and four for Robert. We finish the movie and i decide that its time to go home. "Thank you for inviting me, i had a great time. But i must go and check on Addison and Axel. Nice to meet you Susan!" I say as i start to head for the door.
"No problem, we should do it again sometime. Nice to meet you too!"
"Bye Reagan, ill text you when we should do it again!"
"Ok, bye!" I then head out for my car and go back home. I put the radio on and to my surprise, Man Like Me by Robert is playing. Ive never heard his music on the radio before, but i start singing my lungs out while it plays anyways.
This is a night ive been dreaming of forever
The mirror takes a look at my face
But ill never set foot in that rat hole again
But ill drive to, your place
I spit gravel as i back out of the back door
And the twenties roll around in my hand
It funny now, when i dont show up on monday
Theyll go nuts and eat their hats
Well what do you think of that
She says your throwing life away
To move with a man like me
Shes not blind she just dont have a mind, to see
This is a habit im breaking down forever
Im weary, from trying to shake it
So when i ask if you dont give me your hand
Ill take it, right now
From your mothers side of town
She says your throwing life away
To move with a man like me
Shes not blind she just dont have a mind to see
She says your throwing life away
Just to move with a man like me
Just to move with a man like, me
Soon after the song ends, im in my driveway and i see Addison run up to me. "Tell me everything!!!"
"Ok, alright. Lets go inside, geez!" We walk inside and sit on the couch, she pauses the anime shes watching.
"Spill it!"
"Well, Susan gave me the tour of their house, me and Robert talked about trust, we ate pizza and watched Sherlock Holmes a Game of Shadows. Oh, and Susan asked me if i thought Robert was sexy..." I said the last part really fast, hoping she didnt hear it.
"OMG What did you say to that!?"
"Robert answered for me. He said that i do think hes sexy but that i respect their marriage so Susan doesnt have to worry about a thing. I agreed."
"Well thats no fun, i wouldve said 'uh, hell yeah hes sexy! Who doesnt besides people who like captain more!?'"
"Wow, just... Wow. Im tired, i have to do house work tomorrow so, goodnight."
"Woah, wait there one second! Its only 10:00. You dont get tired at 10:00 that easily."
"Well, i kinda had a big day, so yeah, i am tired. Plus i have a lot to do tomorrow." I said, heading upstairs to my room.
"How about i help you tomorrow..." I stop and turn back.
"Haha, what?"
"Yeah, i want to help." I run over to her and shake her shoulders.
"What did you do to Addison!?"
"I am her you idiot! Ive never done housework before so i want to learn i guess. It cant be that hard, right?"
"Well no, but its not exactly fun either. I mean i could teach you to vacuum, dust, mop, scoop Axels shit, mow the lawn, clean the bathroom, and laundry. Thats all the house wok to do."
"Damn, i know how to mop, clean up Axels shit, and laundry."
"Fine, tomorrow you do that, and ill show you the rest. Next weekend youll be able to help me."
"Yeah, i guess if you let me live here, i should help besides paying my half...."
"Great, now you go to sleep because its going to take all day." I say as i start walking up to my room, Axel not far behind.
"After my anime..." She whispers but i hear.
"No anime! It can wait!" I yell back, i hear her sigh then turn off the tv and go to her own room. Yay, a lot to do tomorrow...

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