Chapter Seventeen

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"Hello, Reagan." He says with an overly nice tone. I wanted to punch him so hard in the face because today is not the day to push my buttons.

"Jason, i am not in the mood today, okay? So if you will please step aside, and let me just get my dog food, that would be much appreciated." I say very slowly and calmly, which surprised me because i would normally be making a scene...

"We cant just have a discussion and be adults about it?" He says, agitated. That makes me mad that he thinks im not handling this like an adult.

"Excuse me!? Was it the 'adult' thing to cheat on me for a married woman!? Huh, Jason!? Was it!?" I raise my voice, and everyone looks in our direction. Most of them probably know what im talking about from the news.

"She made me do it! She-" I cut him off.

"It takes two to tango you know! Plus, you cant blame this all on her because you asked her to marry you! You obviously had feelings for her no matter what bullshit excuse you try to say to me..." I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. "But thats okay, because your mistake led to my real happiness. Robert and i are in an amazing relationship and i guess i wouldnt change a thing..."

"So if i never slept with Susan, they would still be married and we would still be together. Would that have made you as happy as you are with Robert now?" Jason asks calmly. Sadness filled his tone.

"Jason, i wouldnt be able to picture that after all that has happened..." I say sincerely. Jasons expression is full of regret and sadness. I decide to end this conversation once and for all. "Bye Jason... Have a nice life." I say softly and go to the aisle where the dog food is.


Me and Axel arrived home and Robert must have been worried i was gone for so long. "What happened? Why did that take so long?" He frantically asked.

"Calm down, i ran into Frank on the way there and at the pet store there was a certain someone i didnt want to see..."

"Jason was there?" He asked and i nodded. "How did that go?"

"Terribly, we made a scene in the pet store."

"Did he want you back?"

"He didnt exactly ask that, but he did ask if he never slept with Susan how our future would be..." Robert looks at me, waiting to see what i said to that. "I said that i couldnt picture a future with him after all he did... I also said thank you because me and you are very happy together." He smiles and hugs me.

"So nothing happened?" He asked softly in my ear.

"Just a little argument, thats all." I felt him nod on my shoulder.

"Are you still up for date night?" He asked, most likely hoping ill say yes.

"Of course, why wouldnt i be?" He shrugged.

"I dont know, maybe because you had a bad day and dont want to potentially make it worse by going on a date with this dork?" He says pointing to himself. I chuckle, he is so adorable.

"Well this dork..." I say, poking his chest. "Is fun to be around. So he will make me feel better about my bad day..."

"Well good. Wear something fancy and we will leave in two hours..." He says before going up to our room, probably to shower.


After i took a shower, i decided to wear my new dress Catherine got me a couple months ago that i havent worn yet. I dont go to a lot of fancy occasions so now is the perfect time to wear it. Its a sleeveless, black dress that goes down to my knees. To go with it, im wearing a gold necklace, a Pandora bracelet, and for the first time in my life, im wearing black heels that Kayla got me for my birthday about four years ago. I look in the mirror and try to figure out what to do with my hair. Thats the only thing left to do. I decide to curl the ends and hope it turns out good.

I check myself in the mirror again after curling my hair and i feel im ready. I walk down stairs to see Robert waiting. He is wearing a grey suit, with a light blue dress shirt underneath the blazer, and a purple tie. He is wearing a pair of tortoise shell Ray-Bans and his hair is gelled perfectly. When he saw me, i swear his eyes almost popped out of his head. "Wow..." Is all i heard from him. I blush and giggle like im talking to my first crush. "Reagan... You look stunning! Im basically speechless..." He says, looking me up and down.

"Thank you... You dont look back yourself." He smiles and takes my head. We go into the silver Audi. "So where are we going?" I ask.

"Its a surprise." While he is driving, i feel him take my hand and we hold hands on the center console the whole way there. When we arrived, he opened my door for me and i discovered we are at Stella restaurant. A very fancy Italian place. We go inside and get our table. There is a candle in the middle, and in the middle of the room there is a piano where a man is playing classical music. The waiter approaches us.

"Mr. Downey, would you like red or white wine for this evening?" The waiter asks.

"Red, please." The waiter nods and goes away. I look around the restaurant, taking in all the elegancy. "You like it?" Robert asks, snapping me out of my amazement.

"Of course! You couldve brought me to Taco Bell and i would like it! It doesnt matter where we are, as long as im with you ill have fun." Robert smiles. The waiter approaches us again, holding an expensive looking bottle. He pours wine in both of our glasses and takes out his pad and a pen.

"What can i get you to drink for this evening?" He asks. Robert gestures for me to go first.

"Can i get your homemade Gnocchi?" He writes it down.

"Absolutely. And for you sir?" He asks, turning to Robert.

"I will have the same." The waiter smiles and takes our menus and leaves again. "Gnocchi, huh?" Robert asks.

"Yeah, its really good. I would say that im surprised you didnt get pasta carbonara but it wasnt on the menu."

"I wouldve gotten it if it was on the menu." Throughout our date we talked about everything and anything. The food and wine was delicious. I even had dessert after which never happens! Shortly after dessert, Robert drove us back home and we decided to call it a night.


So kind of a boring chapter but i decided to put a little romance in there. Im thinking the next chapter there will be a time skip and a lot of interesting things will happen. So look out for my next update and i hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks guys!

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