Chapter Sixteen

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Its been about a week since i moved in with Robert. He is working on a new movie and my work is pretty hectic, so we barely see each other. Today we both have the day off so we are going to a date night.

Me and Robert were sitting on the couch, my head on his shoulder and his arm wrapped around me. We were trying to find something to watch when something interesting on the news came up. Jason Bateman asked Susan Downey to marry him. The producer immediately declined and ended the relationship. Does she still have feelings for her ex husband? How well did Bateman take the news? We will keep you updated on this story. Me and Robert look at each other. "Do you think she will try to get you back?" I ask.

"I dont know... But if she does, im going to tell her to piss off." I chuckle at his response. "What if Jason tries to crawl back to you?" He then asks.

"You really think i would go back to that pig? Id only be with you..." I see him smile and he kisses my forehead.

"Thank you, im flattered. I only have eyes for you as well..." I blush at his comment, and we continue to find something to watch.

About an hour later, Robert went to the store to get some things so I was home alone with Axel. I hear frantic knocking on the door, wondering who it could be. I open the door to see Susan. "What are you doing here, Susan?" I ask.

"I could say the same to you. Is Robert home?" She says rudely.

"No, he isnt. Now what do you want?" I ask, getting impatient.

"To talk to my husband..." She spits and i scoff.

"You mean EX-husband..." She rolls her eyes.

"Whatever. Where is he?"

"I dont think i should tell you... But why do you need to talk to him?" I ask suspiciously.

"Its none of your concern... Why are you here exactly?"

"Because i live with my boyfriend now. So it actually is my concern on what you have to discuss with him..." She scoffs and turns around.

"I dont have time for this bullshit..." She mutters.

"Have a nice day then!" I say sarcastically.


Roberts POV

After i picked up what i needed at the store, i was driving in the driveway and stopped by Susan. I stopped the car and she came to my window. I hesitantly rolled it down and just kept looking straight ahead. "Make it quick i dont want to talk to you..." I say coldly.

"You are still with that girl!?" She exclaims and i quickly turn towards her, anger filled my expression.

"Of course i am! She is the best thing that has ever happened it me! And i didnt cheat on you for her, either. She was there for me through my sadness when i found you with that bastard! And i think i might be falling for her and also im done with you for good, i dont even like you anymore..." I rant, and she was speechless. Which made me smirk.

"So on our wedding day... That wasnt the best day if your life?" She asked, voice shaky and about to cry.

"You know what Susan, it was. But things change when trust is broken... Now if you have a great reason to actually be here, id like to hear it now. If not, then leave my house right now so i can get ready for a date night..."

"What if i said i still love you and that i made a huge mistake sleeping with Jason?" She says and i laugh sarcastically.

"I dont care what you say anymore, its just lies. Now leave before i kick you off my property..." I say coldly, she backed away from my car and i sped down the rest of my driveway. I walk into the house, still agitated from that conversation. Reagan immediately caught on to my behavior.

"Did she find you?" She asked carefully.

"Sadly... I cant believe she was saying all that shit."

"Im sorry."

"Its not in any way your fault..."

"Did you remember to get dog food?" She asked, changing the subject.

"Ugh! I knew i forgot something..." I said, she just laughs a little.

"Its okay, just relax and ill go get it. Ill bring Axel with me because i didnt give him a walk today..." She says, going to get Axels leash and collar. I put everything i got away and sat on the couch. "Ill be back." She says before walking out.

"Ill be here." I say before the door closes.


Reagans POV

I was walking Axel and i saw Frank walking his new puppy in the distance. Its been awhile since ive seen him so i decided to talk to him and see how he is doing. "Hey Frank, long time no see..." I say when we got closer.

"Yeah it has been awhile hasnt it? I almost forgot what you looked like..." He jokes and i chuckle a little to amuse him.

"Very funny. I see Snickers is growing fast!" I say kneeling down to pet the chocolate lab. But Axel got jealous and started licking my face, so i stood up again. "How is life treating you?"

"Pretty good, pretty good. Jason hasnt been bothering you, right? And Robert is still good to you?" He asks, his 'father' mode kicking in a little.

"Im guessing you say the news. Jason hasnt bothered me, but Susan did want to get Robert back. Robert has been great, we live together now." He nods.

"Im happy for you! I would stay and talk a little more but i have to get home to the wife... Ill talk to you some other time though!" He says, starting to walk away.

"Alright, i have to get dog food anyways. Ill see you around, Frank!" I said before continuing to walk to the pet store.

I walked in the pet store and with my luck i bumped into someone... Why does that have to happen to me!? I look up and just want to run, as fast and far as i can...


CLIFFHANGER!!!!! Who do you think she ran into? Also i updated this story yay! Next chapter will hopefully be up soon! Thanks guys!

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