Chapter Twenty

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About a month and a half later...

Today is the big day! Im getting married to Hollywoods hottest man! Addison planned my bachelorette party that happened a few days ago. It wasnt too big but it was a lot of fun! Right now im having Gwyneth Paltrow help me make my dress look perfect. Robert introduced me to her about a month ago and now we are good friends. Also while Davy is busy with Robert, he called up one of his friends to style my hair as well. If you dont already know, Davy is Roberts hair stylist.

About five minutes before i walk down the aisle, Gwyneth is looking me up and down, making sure i look perfect. Addison was also looking very pretty in her dress, she gave me a smile before going out. Then, it was time for me to go, Gwyneth winked at me before i walked through the doors, meeting my dad and hooking arms with him as we walk. I see Robert at the end of the aisle, looking handsome as ever, smiling his million dollar smile. My dad gave me a kiss on the cheek before letting me go when we reached the end of the aisle. Robert took my hand, we faced each other. I was so happy at this moment, i was about to marry the man of my dreams. Plus, i was planning on surprising him when i say my vows, i hope he reacts well... "Welcome everyone, to Robert and Reagans wedding. Before i start, the couple would like to say their vows..." The priest says. Robert decides to start first.

"Reagan, from the moment your dog almost ran into me and i looked at his owner, i knew i had to get close to you..." He pauses while everyone chuckles. "You were there through some tough times for me and at that point i knew i was going to have a future with you. We had a lot of good times, and i want that to continue for the rest of my life, i love you..." He finishes and we are both so happy we almost have tears. Now it is my turn, time for the big surprise...

"Robert, i have always idolized you... When i got to meet you in person, it was one of the best moments of my life. I was glad when we became friends, and you were also there for me through tough times... I knew you were right for me then too, and i cant wait to spend the rest of my life with you and our child..." I finish, once he took in what i said, he grew an even bigger smile, everyone was silent.

"Wait... You-you're?" He asks while i nod, almost crying of happiness. He hugs me so tight i thought i was going to lose oxygen. He puts me down and holds both of my hands, looking back at the crowd of family and friends. "Im going to be a dad!!!!!" He yells happily. Everyone says 'awe' and claps for us. Robert turns back to me and kisses me passionately.

"Hey! I never said you could kiss the bride yet!" The priest states while chuckling.

"If it makes you feel any better... I do!" Robert says being a smartass, kissing me again.

"What was i even here for? I didnt even do my job!" The priest says as Robert is still kissing me. Everyone stands up and claps for us as we break apart, smiling wide. Robert and i take the rings from the pillow on Axels back and we put the rings on each others fingers. "I guess i now pronounce you husband and wife!" The priest says.

About an hour later, we decided to change into more comfortable clothes and talk to friends and relatives. Everyone is either eating, dancing, or just sitting and talking. Just as i was going to find Robert, Addison stops me. "Well, now you are Mrs. Downey! How do you feel?" She asks. I see Jesse come next to her and wrap an arm around her shoulder.

"I feel many things, i dont even know how to explain my emotions right now! How have you two been lately?" I ask, then i feel Robert slip his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"We have been great... Jesse asked me to move in with him!" Addison exclaims while Jesse smiles.

"Congratulations! Oh and remember Jesse, she is like a sister to me so if you hurt her i hurt you, ok?" I say sternly.

"Of course..." He says, then Addison gets called away by Catherine.

"I like the stern side of you..." Robert whispers in my ear.

"Later..." I say, i feel him smile against my neck and his hands move to my belly.

"I cant believe we are having a baby!" He says, turning me around and hugging me. I just chuckle at his excitement. "Can i have this dance, Mrs. Downey?" Robert asks as a slow song comes on.

"Of course you can, Mr. Downey..." I say with a smile. He leads me to where everyone else is dancing and we start slow dancing. This is the best day of my life...


A year later...

It is Christmas morning and me and Robert go to wake Olivia up for her first Christmas. She is about four months old now and she is just the cutest thing ever! She has Roberts dark hair and my blue eyes. She cant talk yet but Robert is already spoiling her... I can tell she will be daddys little girl already.

A couple hours later, our families come over for Christmas dinner. Elsie and Allison help me cook dinner, which is ham, green bean casserole, rolls, and corn. We set up the table and everyone sits down. There is Elsie, Robert Sr., Allison, Adam, my mom and dad, Jude and his girlfriend, the Clooneys, Olivia, Robert, and me. Thank god we have a big table. We start eating the food me, Allison, and Elsie cooked, except Olivia since she cant chew yet. After dinner, we exchange gifts, of course Olivia got most of the gifts. Then everyone went back home and we went to sleep for the night.


Thirty years later...

It has been about thirty years since me and Robert got married and had Olivia. Lets just say that there were many break ups, drama, but also happy times. Olivia found the right guy and they are engaged. It took awhile, but Robert accepted him in Olivias life. Like i predicted, Olivia was definitely a daddys girl... We all live happy lives and me and Robert are growing old together... It wouldnt have happened if i didnt have Axel, he brought us together...


I know i didnt really give you guys a heads up but... This is the end! It was kind of cliche, i know but i hoped you liked this story anyways and soon i will publish Its Been Awhile. Thanks guys!

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