Chapter Four

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I wake up and decide to let Addison sleep in for a little while. I get Axels leash and give him his walk. Im now starting to recognize some of the early morning joggers and dog walkers. I have made some new friends besides Robert. There is this one man, hes actually about Roberts age, he also has similar features to Robert too. But I don't find him attractive like Robert, id say he is just a friend. Not that Robert isn't more than a friend but.... Sorry, im rambling. Anyways his name is Frank and he walks his golden retriever.

As im walking down an empty street with Axel, I hear a bark off in the distance. I turn around and I see Frank and his dog, Butterscotch. I know, girly name for a guy, right? I mean yes, the dog is a girl, but Butterscotch? Really? He comes over to me and starts off the conversation. "Hey, Reagan! What are your plans for the day?"

"Just housework with my roommate." He gives me a weird look. Oh! Ive never told him about Addison.... Whoops.

"I didn't know you had a roommate, since when?" He asked, I wonder why he is so interested.

"Oh, well we actually moved here together."

"Are they like, your boyfriend?" Why does it matter?

"No, my bestfriend, actually. Her name is Addison. Not a guy..."

"Oh, im sorry. I didn't know."

"Its alright, what are you doing today?"

"Me and my wife are just going to go shopping for a bit. I think that's it..." He says, looking up and thinking.

"Fun. Well, I have to get back home before Addison wakes up, see ya later, Frank!" I say as I walk away.

"See ya, Reagan!"

I arrive back home and see a strange vehicle in the driveway. I know its not Robert because its not an Audi. Frank doesn't know where I live so, who could it be? I decide to find out, when I open my door an instant wave of happiness flows through me. "Oh my god!!!! Catherine!? Kayla!?" I run over to them and hug them, and trust me, im not a hugger. Haha, for senior graduation, everyone had to shake their teachers hands. Well, my favorite teacher wanted a hug, but I refused because im practically a germiphobe.

"Reagan! We decided to stop by and see the new place." Kayla says as we sit down on my couch. I might not get any housework done today, oh well.

"Well, what do you think?" I ask.

"Its nice, Addison gave us the tour." Catherine pauses as Axel sniffs her. "Whos this?"

"Oh, that's my dog, Axel. I give him a walk every morning."

"Damn, how early do you wake up everyday?" Kayla asks, petting Axel.

"Before work, 4:30 AM, on weekends, 6:00 AM." Addison answers for me.

"Damn! That's too early for me!" They both say in unison. I just chuckle at the reaction. We catch up on life until there is a knock on my door. Addison gets up to answer it, then she yells.

"Reagan! Cocky Actor Friend is here!!!!!" I blush of embarrassment as Kayla and Catherine laugh.

"Who is 'Cocky Actor Friend' Reagan?" Catherine asks. I get up and go to the door.

"Is this a gossip session im interrupting?" Robert sarcastically asks, then chuckles.

"Hey Robert, whats up?" I ask, feeling a presence behind me.

"You gonna introduce me to the two drooling girls?" He asks, I turn around and see Catherine and Kayla, mouths wide open in shock.

"Close your mouth, you don't want any flies..." I joke and they snap out of it. "Robert, Catherine and Kayla, Catherine and Kayla, Robert Downey Jr. A.K.A..... Cocky Actor Friend." I introduce.

"Wow. Robert, I have so many questions to ask you!" Catherine says fast, Robert nods, unsure, then walks in. "When did you two meet?"

"About a week ago." Robert answers.

"Has she tried to jump on you yet?" Kayla asks and I kick her, my face tomato red.

"Uhm.... no....." Robert says, looking at me now.

"I would never jump on you, don't worry. They asked because I would never shut up about you in school." I defend.

"Ah, okay. Is that all?" Both nod.

"Pretty much." They said in unison.

"That was shorter than expected. I came because I thought you would want some help with your housework, but it seems that's cancelled..."

"Oh, yeah.... You didn't have to help though..."

"I wanted to, Susan is out with a friend all day, so its quiet at my house."

"I mean, you can stay if you want, but I doubt youll have any fun..."

"Oh no, he will have fun...." Addison, Kayla, and Catherine all say in unison, me and Robert look scared now...


Hey guys, I want to know how your liking this story so far so please, please, please! Comment, I could really use the feedback! And no, I didn't give up on My Idol, im just having a little writers block. I also want to thank you for voting, it makes me think im doing good, so thanks for that! Ill update soon!

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