Chapter Eighteen

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Roberts POV

A couple months later...

So it has been a couple of months since Reagan moved in with me. As a relationship, we have been pretty good so far, we only argue about small things and we just apologize and move on mostly. There hasnt been any more problems with Susan and Jason since that one day a few months ago, which is great. Im planning something super special for Reagan tonight and a good part of it involves a ring... Yes, im going to propose to Reagan tonight. A couple weeks ago i was thinking a lot about our relationship and decided that i love her... I havent quite said those words to her yet but thats what tonight is for! Im excited but nervous though... I mean, what if she says 'no'? What if she doesnt even know? Im terrified that she will deny me for some reason... But i guess ill have to think positive without giving my hopes up.


Reagans POV

This morning Robert told me that we are doing something tonight. When i asked him what he said it was a surprise so now i cant wait to see what he has planned! All he said to give me hints was to wear something kind of casual but still a little formal. I dont know if we are going for dinner or an event or a park, i just have no clue which makes this fun but frustrating! So i decide to look for my outfit early so that if it takes awhile, he wont be waiting on me.

I finally settle for plain, black leggings with a white sweater. I fished out my brown pair of Uggs, and a knit beanie i got a few years back from Addison. I felt satisfied with my outfit choice and decided to go on with my day until wherever Robert is taking me.

I dressed in the outfit i picked out and waited for Robert to finish getting dressed. Once he was ready, we got in the Audi and started driving to wherever he was headed. "So are you still not gonna tell me what you are up to, mister?" I asked after a little while of driving.

"Nope. You will just have to wait..." He said. The whole ride i noticed that his fingers kept tapping the steering wheel, even though music isnt playing, which is a nervous habit of his. What could he be nervous about? He isnt gonna break up with me, is he? I kept thinking negative thoughts and started getting nervous myself. Robert mustve noticed the change because of what he asked next. "Whats wrong?" He asked, turning to me for a second then looking back at the road to prevent a car accident.

"Huh? Nothing..." I say while shrugging.

"Okay..." He says, but i hear the suspicion in his voice which means he doesnt believe me. We drive in silence for a couple more minutes until he pulled into a parking lot of a little diner. "We are having dinner for the start of this lovely evening..." He says in a British accent, which made him sound like his famous character Sherlock Holmes. He opens my car door for me and takes my hand. We walk in the diner and get seated at a booth next to a window. "What are you gonna get?" He asked while looking at his menu.

"Im thinking of just getting soup, im not too hungry." He nods, still looking at the menu. "What are you gonna get?" I asked.

"Im thinking of getting a BLT." He answered, finally putting his menu down. Just then, a waitress comes to take our orders.

Our dinner was lovely and he said that wasnt even close to the end of our evening. So i wonder what else is going to happen? At the diner i got rid of all those negative thoughts from earlier as well, which im happy about. A couple minutes later, i see a big road sign that says 'Exit to Los Angeles Dodgers Stadium' and Robert turns there. I get all excited, happy that he remembered. "You remembered! I cant believe this!" I exclaim while he smiles and chuckles.

"Of course i remember! I wanna make this night memorable, how am i doing so far?" He asks as he parks the car. I lean over quickly to kiss him.

"You are the best!" I say, quickly hopping out of the Audi, following Robert to the stadium.

"Tonight they are playing the Chicago Cubs." Robert says as we take a seat on the bleachers. I lean my head on his shoulder, smiling to myself at how perfect he is. I think im in love with him... He wraps one arm around me shoulder, leaning his head on mine. "So are you enjoying this evening so far?" He asked softly. It was halfway in the game so far.

"Of course! Why wouldnt i be? First the lovely diner, and now this? Who wouldnt be enjoying it?" I exclaim.

"Its still not over yet, there is one more surprise after this." He says. I suddenly sit up, my eyes wide with surprise.

"Theres more!?" I ask and he smiles and nods. "Damn Robert! This is probably the best night of my life..." I say, leaning back on his shoulder. He just smiles and kisses my forehead as we watch the rest of the game.

After the game ended, we were back on the road. We were driving for awhile until i recognized a park that was close to my old house. He park in the little parking lot and we got out. "Here is your last surprise for the evening." He says, taking my hand. We were walking in the park until i started to see a lot of beautiful lights hanging from trees in this one area. He stops walking and holds both of my hands, he looked nervous again... "Reagan, i tried to make tonight the best night of your life so far... And there will be much more nights like these in the future hopefully..." I furrowed my eyebrows. What is he getting at? Just then, i see a lot of people come from the woods around us. I recognize his father and sister, George And Amal, Johnny Depp, Jude Law, all the Avengers, and a lot more of Roberts actor friends. I also see Kayla, Catherine, and Addison. Frank comes out as well with who im assuming is his wife, then i see two people i havent seen since school, Ava and Lucy, who ive mentioned once before but not since since i havent seen them. Then i see my parents and Adam, my brother. I'm so confused on what is going on right now... I look back at Robert and he is in front of me still holding my hands. "As you can see... I have contacted some people..." He says, making everyone chuckle a little. "Reagan, i have felt this for awhile and decided tonight is the best night to say this... But i love you. I would do anything for you and be there for you through whatever you go through... These past ten months of my life have been the best because of you... And im glad that for eight of them you were my girlfriend. Now for all the months to come.... I would like to change that into something better." He explains, then suddenly gets down on one knee, taking out a small velvet box, opening it to reveal a sparkly diamond ring. "Will you, Reagan Young, marry me?" He asks me. I was so shocked.


CLIFFHANGER AHHHHH! Sorry but i had to leave you guys hanging. Do you think she will say yes? What will happen if she says no? Next chapter should be up soon! Thanks guys!

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