Chapter Fourteen

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So its been a couple days since our double date with the Clooneys. I havent seen Robert much since he is starting to film again. Im sitting on my couch on a Wednesday evening watching Tropic Thunder. Addison walks into the room looking confused. "Why do you have that face?" I ask.

"Is that your boyfriend as a black person!?" She asks and i laugh.

"Yeah, this movie is hilarious come watch it with me!" I say and pat the space next to me on the couch.

"I would but i have a date!" I turn abruptly.

"You have a date!?" She nods with a smile on her face. Its weird seeing her being all giddy. "With who!? Is he nice? Cute?"

"You know the actor Jesse Eisenberg?" My eyes widen.

"Awwwww! My best friend is going out with an actor!!!!!" She blushes and i decide to stop. "Go have fun and use protection!" I yell as she walks out.

"Hey thats my line!" We both start laughing and i turn back to my movie. A little while later i get a text from Robert.

RDJ- Date night? In an hour?

I smile at the text. Even though its a little last minute i havent seen him in a couple day so...

R- Sounds good. Casual or fancy?

It takes a minute before he responds.

RDJ- Casual, we are just going to watch a movie.

R- Oooh what movie?

RDJ- Thats for me to know and you to find out. Now get ready ill be there in less than an hour.

R- Okay, c u then!

After our little conversation ended i stopped the movie i was currently watching and went to my room to get ready. About an hour later i heard my doorbell ring and saw Robert standing there. He was wearing a white tshirt with a blue anchor on it, a pair of dark wash jeans, and a pair of white and blue Nikes. Hes also wearing a pair of his nerdy glasses as i like to call them. "Hello..." He says, holding his arms out for a hug. I embrace him and we break apart.


"Ready?" He asks and i nod. I grab my keys, shut the door and lock it. We then walk hand in hand to his car. Tonight he chose his burgundy Acura. When we arrived at the movies, he got two tickets for Now You See Me 2. Which is funny since Addison is on a date right now with Daniel Atlas from it. I didnt realize i was chuckling until i saw Robert giving me a weird look. "What are you laughing at?" He asks.

"Well just before you texted me, Addison was going on a date..."

"Good for her! Im happy she found someone."

"Wait, theres more to the story... The person she is on a date with is Jesse Eisenberg who is in this movie... Thats why i was laughing. Its ironic." After i was done explaining Robert was also laughing. We then find perfect seats in the pretty empty theater. Then i feel Robert lean over towards me.

"Reagan ive been meaning to ask you something for a couple days now... I was scared that i was moving to fast but it doesnt hurt to try right? Anyways... I was wondering if you wanted to move in me? You dont have to though! It was just a suggestion if your ready..." He rambles. I think about it for a couple seconds then smile.

"Yes Robert, i would love to move in with you!" I say, a big smile appears on his face and he hugs me.

"Yay! You dont know how happy you just made me!" He exclaims. Now kissing all over my face, eventually deciding on staying at my lips.

"When should i start packing?" I ask.

"Would this weekend be fine? I have this weekend off so i could help you."

"Ok, and ill tell Addison tonight. I hope she takes this well..."

"If shes a true friend she will be happy for you." I nod then we stop talking because the movie starts. After the movie Robert dropped me off at my house and continued to remind me about whats happening this weekend. I walk in and see Addison on the couch.

"So how did your date go?" I ask, sitting on the couch next to her.

"He was so cute! We were both pretty shy and awkward but when we got stuff to talk about we really hit it off! We have another date in two weeks!" I smile.

"Good for you! I also have some news, im not sure how your gonna take it though..." Her facial expression turns from happy to serious in like .5 seconds. "So i also just came back from a date with Robert and he asked me a big question-"

"He didnt propose did he!? Because its kinda early for that!" She interrupts.

"No! Let me finish! He asked me to move in with him this weekend!" She gives me a blank stare so i dont know what she is thinking.

"Dont get me wrong, im happy for you but what if i end up on the streets? This house costs a lot on my own..."

"What about help from your new boyfriend? Hes an actor so im sure he has a lot of money... Or we could sell this and i can help you find a nice apartment..."

"I wouldnt ask him for money so how about the second option?" I nod.

"Alright, tomorrow we will research nice affordable apartments for you to live in. Then we will both need to be packing..." She smiles and hugs me.

"Thanks Reagan. I will miss bothering you with my anime..." We both laugh.

"Hey we will still see each other, i promise. We just wont be living together anymore, thats all." She nods and we both stand up. "You can also have the couch, im sure Robert has one."

"Ill gladly take whatever you offer. I dont feel like buying any furniture." I chuckle. "But im tired so goodnight and see you tomorrow."

"Goodnight." And with that, we go our separate ways into our own rooms for the night.


Im back! The school year is over and i just finished with finals and regents this week so i should be writing more often again! I also feel this story is getting kinda boring and im running out of ideas for it so i need your opinions, should i end it soon? Anyways for those of you who havent gave up on me i appreciate you and love when you vote and comment! Thanks guys!

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