Chapter Seven

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Ok, so last chapter i said for two comments for next chapter, that never happened but i did get votes so i guess that works too. So forget about the comments thing and enjoy!
So its been a week me and Jason have been together. Me and Robert havent talked that much, actually... Last time we did talk was at dinner. Addison has been helping out around the house, its kind of funny because im not used to it.
Im on my daily walk with Axel, and its actually pretty dead. I havent even seen Frank. Then i realize, i went earlier than usual. Its like, 3:00 AM.... Damn. I havent been able to sleep for the past few days and i dont know why....
I arrive home and its only 4:00 AM. I try and go back to sleep, but its useless. I decide to text Robert because we havent talked in awhile, even if hes not awake it wont wake him up so he will get back eventually.
R- Hey Robert, its been awhile and i cant sleep so i thought we could talk?
I sent the text and surprisingly about five minutes later i got a text back.
RDJ- Hey Reagan, i cant sleep either so.... What do you wanna talk about?
R- What happened to 'Girl Who Wont Admit Im Sexy?'
RDJ- Well.... What happened to 'Sexy Actor Friend'?
R- It was never 'Sexy Actor Friend', it was 'Cocky Actor Friend'.
RDJ- I like mine better....
R- Lol, so hows life?
RDJ- Well, apparently Susan and Jason are friends now....
R- Really? Are you still jealous?
RDJ- Noooooooooooooo, im not jealous because my wife talks with him more than her actual husband....
R- Im sorry Robert, maybe tell her how you feel?
RDJ- I have, she just says that they are only friends and its not true that she likes him more than me. Has Jason been texting a lot?
R- I dont know, i only saw him yesterday since the night we all had dinner. He didnt seem to be texting...
RDJ- As long as hes good to you and not trying to steal my wife, i guess thats all that matters.
R- Robert, hes not trying to steal Susan.
RDJ- Okaaaay. Hey, i have to go get ready for work, talk to you later.
R- Okay, bye Robert.
I look up from my phone and Addison is looking at me, when did she wake up? Oh, me and Robert have been texting for an hour, damn. "Good morning. When did you get in here?" I ask.
"Like, fifteen minutes ago, you didnt even notice. Im guessing you were talking to Jason?" I shook my head.
"No, Robert actually."
"Ohhhhh okay. So, whats for breakfast? Im hungry."
"I dont know what do you want?"
"Okay, make yourself some waffles then." She frowns.
"But, i thought you were making it..." I chuckle.
"Nope, i had a granola bar two hours ago, i wont be hungry for awhile."
"Ugh, fine i guess ill get the toaster, turn it on, get the waffles and butter and syrup, and go through all that trouble...." She complains while walking into the kitchen.
"Yup!" I yell to her.
A couple hours later im at work doing a shitload of paperwork, like usual. Then i get a text. Thunking its Jason, i eagerly grab my phone and look at it.
RDJ- Hey, wanna hang out after work?
Oh, its Robert. Im surprised, hes filming and its hard to have time when your filming. I immediately text back because he might be on break, and breaks are short.
R- Hey Robert, and sure, what time and where?
RDJ- How about 6:00 PM and ill come to your house?
R- Sure, sounds great, see you then!
After our little conversation, i get back to work. About five minutes later, i get another text.
A- Hey Reagan, i wont be home when you get home for work, im going out with Catherine and Kayla. We will probably be out until 10:00 PM so have fun with Jason. (Because youll probably invite him over)
R- Okay, and no Jason, he has to work late but me and Robert are gonna hang out.
A- Ooooh, okay just dont have too much fun... ;-)
I roll my eyes at her text.
R- Shut up! We are just friends! He has a wife and i have a boyfriend!!!!!
A- Mhmmmm okaaaay..... See ya later!
R- Bye, have fun.
After that, i go back to paperwork for the rest of the day.
I get into my car and head home. God, today was sooo boring, im looking forward to seeing Robert though. I pull into my driveway and go in and feed Axel quick before Robert gets here. I dont even know what he wants to do. A knock pulls me away from my thoughts, Axel goes rushing to the door like the president is here. I walk to the door and let Robert in. "Hey." I say as i motion for him to sit down.
"Hi...." He seems off, is he still jealous?
"Robert, whats wrong?"
"Is Addison here?" I shake my head. "Good." And before i know it, he pulled me towards him and kissed me. I was so shocked i didnt know what to do. I dont even think he knows what he is doing, then he pulls away.
"Robert, what was that for?"
"I swear to god Susan is cheating on me...."
"What? With who?" He gives me the 'i think you know' look. "Your not saying...."
"I think your boyfriend is cheating also, yes, thats what im saying..." Im shocked and i dont even know if its true or not... "You dont believe me, do you?" He asks, his face showing shame.
"Well, how do you know? Or why do you think that?"
"Susan hasnt been home much lately, but she was home yesterday when you were with Jason. Other than that, ive been home alone. Is Jason busy right now by any chance?" I havent thought of that....
"Okay, i get your point, but how can we know for sure?"
"You call Jason and ill call Susan at the same time, maybe we can hear the other talk on their phone..." Thats not a bad idea...
"Alright." We both get our phones out and call.
I feel terrible. Susan is an amazing girl, but im dating Reagan. Susan keeps asking me out and i keep denying it, but what if its just going out as friends? I dont know. What could one time hurt, right? So i decide to text her.
J- Okay, lets go to Ruby Tuesdays. But i just want to be friends.
About a minute or less later i get a reply.
S- Great! And of course as just friends, im married and you have a girlfriend, silly!
Silly? Isnt that a flirty kind of thing? I dont know, i hope not....
About an hour later, i meet Susan at the restaurant. We get a table and order our drinks, then suddenly, we both get a phone call at the same time. "Reagan."
"Robert." We both say in unison. Thats weird that they called at the exact same time.
"Hello?" I say through the phone, i can hear Susans conversation too.
Roberts right, hes with Susan right now. I can here her talk to Robert in the backround. I feel.... Used. I can imagine how Robert must feel, hes married to the cheater. We both end our conversations and turn to eachother. "Well, you were right...." Im on the verge of tears, i can see Robert is too.
"Yup, sadly...." He then walks over to me and pulls me into an embrace. I can feel him cry into my shoulder, i was about to cry, but tears never came out for some reason. "Thank you." I hear Robert mumble into my shoulder.
"For what?" I ask, trying to comfort him, but its hard for me since im a distant person.
"For being here for me. Especially at a time like this. For being a friend, you know, everyone thinks actors lives are perfect. But in reality, they arent...."
"Robert, im sorry.... I know life isnt perfect, its not perfect for anyone..." He breaks from our embrace and looks into my eyes.
"What are you sorry for?" He asks, i reach out and wipe his tears away, he gives me a short and faint smile.
"Im sorry that Susan did this to you...."
"Well then im sorry too. I knew Jason was a jerk, i shouldve known he would hurt you. I shouldve stopped the relationship before it even started.."
"Robert, theres nothing you couldve done, and i never thought that he would do anything like this..."
"Can i ask you something?" I nod. "Why arent you crying? Arent you hurt?"
"Im hurt, and i feel like crying, but no tears are coming out and i dont know why. Maybe its because Jason isnt my true soulmate..."
"Then who is?" Just then, i feel Axel push me towards Robert with his nose, i stumble forward a bit until me and Robert are almost nose to nose. "I guess Axel answered my question for you, huh?" He whispers, i can feel his hot breath.
"Im also wondering why Axel chose Jason too...."
"Maybe for this outcome?"
"Maybe." Before either of us can say another word, Robert pulls me to him again and kisses me, but this time, i kiss back.
Let me get something straight here, I DO NOT HATE SUSAN OR JASON! Also, Happy Early Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you all have a great and huge dinner. I still need some inspiration for My Idol also, im open to any ideas you might have! Ill try and update soon! Thanks guys!

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