Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Beep Beep Beep!

It took a few seconds to wake up to the dreadful sound of my alarm clock. I had to set it a bit earlier because I had to tutor Jonathan. I rubbed my eyes and sat up.

"Emily! Hurry up if you want a ride to school!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs.

"I'm coming!" I replied, rolling my eyes and walking down the staircase.

After getting ready in probably the fastest way possible I slipped into a pair of jeans and a purple t-shirt. Grabbing a dark blue hoodie, I grabbed my school bag and ran downstairs.

Slipping my shoes on I locked the door and ran over to my mom's car.

"So why do you have to come to school early again?" My mom asked.

My mom was a strong woman, in my opinion, she had been through so much. When my parents were still together, they had both loved me so much and we were a happy family. It was a picture perfect memory.

When I was around the age of four or five, I had found my mom crying. I was a clueless child and didn't know what was going on. So on instinct I went to look for my dad. I found him and brought him to my mom. He comforted her and we were a family filled with love and trust.

But as I grew up my mom told me about how I was going to have a baby brother or sister when I was around four years old but the doctor had given my parents the news, earlier that day, that she was unable to have another child.

It broke my heart to see her so sad, and distant. And it appeared that my dad was trying to cheer her up, yet nothing worked. She was broken. And I vividly remember the day I came home in sixth grade, yelling for my dad so he could help me with my homework, but came home to find my mom bawling her eyes out.

I comforted her and hugged her all I could but I knew that day, she was broken and could not be fixed.

"I have to tutor someone in my class." I explained looking out the window, snapping out of my reverie.

"Oh, okay." She said.

After a couple minutes of silence, my mom double parked outside of my school. I said goodbye to her and got out of the car, waved and walked over to the school's entrance.

As I neared the entrance, I spotted Jonathan standing, his headphones intact. He smiled when he was looking at something. I wonder what he was watching.

I walked past Jonathan and avoided eye contact and any contact in general with him. He followed me to Ms. Monroe's classroom without a sound.

As we walked down the hall Kate, another girl in the 'popular crowd' looked at Jonathan as he passed by her, twirling her curly blonde hair. She's your typical evil cheerleader type of person, but of course she says and I quote 'Cheerleading would mean I would have to sweat and get up early, as if I would do such a thing' and cue the annoying high pitched laugh. Not being head cheerleader didn't stop her from hanging around the whole squad though.

Why did people like people who were so stuck up and thought so high of themselves? I mean Jonathan's a complete and utterly annoying person. This never made sense to me and after watching all those Cinderella movies where the popular guy gets the poor and shy girl and they fall in love, then live happily ever after. I may be shy but I am not exactly poor, and I am definitely not falling for him.

We arrived in the classroom and sat down. I sat there and turned the pages to yesterday's lesson. Going through my bag, I put my glasses on.

"So what don't you understand about math?" I quietly, breaking the awkward silence.

"I-I just don't get it," He replied.

"What don't you get?" I asked.

"There are letters in a math problem." Jonathan pointed out.


"Isn't that what English class is for?"

"Well for this problem you have to figure out what X equals.." I trailed off. But details don't matter, because he totally wasn't paying attention the whole time.

The first bell rang and I grabbed my books and headed out of the classroom without saying a word.

I went to my locker, spun my combination and all of my books fell down. This is what I get for wanting a top locker. Just my luck.. I got on my knees and started gathering my books.

"Need some help?" A voice asked.

I looked up to see Julie, Julie is my one and only friend. She's been my friend ever since freshman year when we had to find partners in english class and she was the only other person without one. Helping me pick up my books we put them in my locker and the bell rang.

I thanked her and ran to class, I had English class next. It reminded me of how stupid Jonathan was. He couldn't even figure out a variable. Wait, why am I thinking about him, okay time to focus on this grammar worksheet and not about that guy.

Then the speaker came on interrupting my thoughts,"Emily Thomas please report to the office. Thank you!" The whole class made 'ooohhhhs', but I ignored them because this was probably the only time I was noticed.

I went to the office. Ms. Gosher was sitting at her desk. She's the secretary and she didn't even bother to look at me, she just pointed to Mr. Till's office.

"Emily, please come into my office," He said.

I gulped and stepped into the office.

"Am I in trouble?" I said nervously as Mr. Till was busy looking at paperwork and looked a bit stressed out.

"No, of course not." He said calmly.

I sat down in wooden chair, he had the comfortable one. Well I suppose if your in trouble they don't want you to be comfortable. His office even had the whole dark and scary vibe to it as I looked around.

"We have a new student and she really wants to be in our computer classes. Because as you know have one of the best computer science collage preparatory programs in the city, as you know."

"Um, what does this have to do with me?" I would have rolled my eyes, but it would have been rude to do that in front of the principal. I was also scared of getting in trouble.

"Since you are on the high honor roll, and I know you're capable of handling a class switch-"

"Class switch?" I bravely interrupted.

"Yes, I'm afraid I have to switch you into a different elective."

You're kidding me right? What did I ever do? That is one of my favorite classes! And all for some new kid who's going to ignore me like everyone else.

"Okay, into what class." I sighed in defeat.


Drama? Are you kidding me? I can't get on stage and perform in front of people. There is a reason I record my videos in my room with a closed door. Especially because everyone will figure out I'm the Girl Behind the Mic.


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