Chapter 23

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Emily's outfit is not really described in the chapter but the outfit to the side is her outfit. Credit to @BeautifulSmile_

Chapter 23

"Claire's here!" My mom yelled from downstairs.

"Okay!" I yelled.

Claire ran up the stairs with her dress in her hand.

"Let's get ready!" She cheered.

"Let us." I said with a smile on my face.

After getting ready, doing make-up, and listening to music we were finally ready after an hour's work.

Like any other mother, when Jonathan came, she took a billion pictures. We then, walked into the limo Jonathan paid for.

"Here," Jonathan said giving me a box.

"What's in here?" I asked sitting next to him.

"Corsage, what did you think it was?" He said and rolled his eyes as he looked out the window.

"A flower in a to go box." I mumbled.

I put the corsage on my wrist. And looked at Claire, she was laughing as Matthew was telling her a joke or something. Lucky her, having fun.

As we pulled up the hotel, we walked into the building our prom was being held at and took photos. When we sat down at a table together, I looked around for Tyler.

Finding him, he was in a tux and looking really cute. He was talking to some of his friends and laughing.

After about five minutes of Matthew telling jokes and all of us laughing and actually having a good time. I realized that Jonathan wasn't that bad of a person. Sure he blackmailed me into coming with him, but still.

"Excuse me, I need to use the bathroom." Claire said with a small smile, and I followed her.

"Okay I'll keep him occupied so you can find him." She said as soon as the door closed on us.

"Wait I'm not-" I began to say when Claire gave me a thumbs up and left, "sure I want to leave. Well thanks for the support Claire." I muttered to myself and left the bathroom.

I might've wanted to hang out with Jonathan at the moment but I am supposed to like Tyler. God what in the world did Jonathan do to my head?

Forget it, forget it. Forget it all. You've got a guy out there who likes you. And you've got a blackmailing, cute guy.

Well, here I am dancing with Tyler after an hour after arriving at the prom.

It was decorated nicely. Well decent at least. I just hadn't drank any punch because I could tell it was spiked. I mean why else would the guys keep drinking it and trying to get some girls to?

"Emily? Can I tell you something?" Tyler said as he looked into my eyes.

"Y-Yeah, s-sure." I stammered my words.

"I really, really li-" Tyler began.

"Emily? What are you doing?" Jonathan yelled with fury as he saw Tyler and I together. He then rushed over and pulled me away from Tyler.

"Look Taylor, she's mine and don't you forget it." Jonathan threatened.

"What if I like her? Huh? What are you going to do about it?" Tyler said walking closer to him.

"Oh, you don't wanna know what I'll do!" Jonathan yelled in fury pushing him.

"Why don't you just get over that she doesn't like you? Huh? You always get your way! You always get the girls. You always get your way even though you've broken a countless amount of hearts!" Tyler countered.

Wow. I was at a loss for words.

"At least I can tell my true feelings to a girl." Jonathan said.

"Yeah right. It's probably lies, lies, and more lies. You never mean anything, you just flirt with girls and then ignore them the next day." Tyler replied.

"Fine you want to see. Well watch and learn." Jonathan said before walking closer to me.

"Emily Thomas. I am in love with you. I have been ever since I bumped into you. I was just too stubborn to notice that it was fate. Fate that made you my tutor, fate that brought us together. Fate that would let me do this.." He said before crashing his lips into mine before I could say anything.

I hated to admit this but there were no sparks. No butterflies. And I didn't kiss back. It just didn't feel right.

He pulled away with a confused expression. Then I had realized, we drawed a crowd. Great.

"Emily?" Jonathan said.

"O-Oh, I-I-I-" I tried to say.

I was cut off by Tyler shoving Jonathan against the punch bowl and the other junk food on the table.

Okay I'm going to get in so much trouble. There goes my perfect record of no detention.

I decided to run into the bathroom, because heck, what was I supposed to do. Opening the doors, I made my way into a stall and locked it. A couple seconds later, I heard the footsteps of two girls.

"Do you have the video ready?" I heard Kate's despicable voice ask someone else.

"Do I have to? I mean isn't there any other way I can-" This voice is too familiar.

"Save it. Wouldn't want someone's secret to be spilled now would we?" Kate said.

"But by doing this I'm spilling the secret." The voice begged.

It couldn't be. No it couldn't. No. No. No. I peeked through the door and saw Claire.

Kate knew. Kate knew.

My eyes widened and I held my breath and became silent.

"Correction, I am spilling the secret." Kate said and made her way outside when she paused an turned back to look at Claire.

"Let's go. And you better get Amelia or whatever her name is, to get a nice view of the stage." Kate said before walking out of the bathroom and leaving Claire.

Claire sighed and walked out. I decided to walk out of the bathroom too, I was beginning to suffocate in there. What video?

Wait a minute. If Kate had a video. It could be me doing something embarrasing right? Oh god. I had to leave. I looked in my purse for my phone and called the one person who I could call. My Mom.

"Mom can you pick me up?" I said.

"Honey what's wrong?"

"J-Just pick me up. I want to go home."

"Okay, I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

"Thanks Mom." I said and hung up.

As I stepped out of the bathroom. I looked at the stage and there was Kate smiling.

Claire ran over to me and asked me if I was okay. I just ignored her.

"Emily wait!" She called after me.

"So we all know that Youtube channel Girl Behind the Mic right?" Kate said.

I froze and turned to the stage. What was she going to do? Wait a minute, I froze at the girl who was about to reveal my identity.

Why was there so much drama at a prom?

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