Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Mental or emotional suffering or torment.

That is what I am going through.

As I sat on the cold floor I looked at my shoes as I got lost in thought. Why would Tyler kiss her for more than a second? He just said he liked me and then he goes and kisses her!

I stood up and ran to the girl's bathroom with tears running down my face. As every icy tear fell down my warm cheeks it was as if the moment replayed in my head over and over.

I pushed the open the door and went into one of the stalls. Leaning against the filthy walls of our school's bathroom I sighed and let the all of the tears roll freely down my face.

I heard the door open. I sucked in all of my tears and became quiet. I peeked through the bathroom stall, Kate?

"I can't believe you kissed Tyler! Ew!" One of her little friends said in a high pitched voice as she held her purse in the square of her arm looking into the mirror as she began to apply make-up to her face.

"I only did it just to make Amelia or whatever her name is, jealous." Kate said as she applied a layer of lip gloss and puckered up her lips.

"I bet he totally has the hots for you after that kiss." She said before giggling.

"He wasn't even a good kisser. I don't even see what she likes in him." Kate said closing the top up and putting it in her bag.

"Well this picture will make Jonathan crawl back to you." She said as she showed Kate a picture I couldn't quite see clearly.

"What should we do? Upload it to Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter or should we text it to everyone in the school?" Kate said with a smirk plastered over her face.

"I say text it to everyone, this way sweet little Amelie will see the picture too."

So I'm Amelia and now Amelie. Wow they certainly do their homework.

"Great idea. Walk with me." Kate said as she walked out of the bathroom followed by the click clack of her heels.

I sighed and got out of the stall. Wiping my face with paper towels I looked through my bag to find my phone. Twelve thirty-seven, looks like I have twenty minutes to eat lunch. Great.

I sat by the window of the bathroom and took out my sandwich. As smushed as it was it was the only thing that wouldn't go run away and kiss someone else.

The bell rang and I walked out of the bathroom getting ready to go through the crowded halls. I made my way to the drama class room and was greeted by a worried Claire.

"Emily!" She said as she hugged me.

"What?" I said.

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" Claire said as she backed up a bit and looked at me with a worried expression.

"No, I'm fine." I said quietly.

"You weren't in Mrs. Collins class during lunch and Tyler wasn't either so I didn't know what happened." Claire said really fasted and rushed.

"I-I-I was in the library. We have that big spanish test next Tuesday!" I said looking away and wiping my face

"We had our last test yesterday." Claire stated.

"Okay so I was in the library helping Mrs. Becker sort books." I lied.

"Okay, I know you're lying. Your eyes are all puffy and red. Afterschool you have to tell me everything." I sighed, great you can read my face like an open book.

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