Chapter 27

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Dedication to snowyyflakes_ for her comment!

Chapter 27

There was a smile upon my face because everything was solved. I didn't have to deal with any Kate, Jonathan or Claire drama.

Now I just have to be with Tyler and everything would be perfect. I sighed and realized I hadn't replied to Tyler and he had texted me yesterday.

Grabbing my phone I read his text again, smiling. I thought about how perfect this boy was for me.

I texted him saying I wanted to see him and he shot back a reply as fast as possible saying to meet at the ice cream stand.

As I walked over to the ice cream stand three little girls were paying for their ice cream. As I walked to sit on the nearby bench and waited.

"Hey." Tyler greeted me, as he waved.

"Hey," I replied as he sat down, "So what did you want to talk about?" I questioned.

"Well I know this is very sudden but Emily will you be my girlfriend?" He said with a hopeful gleam in his eyes.

I smiled and threw my arms around him, "Yes!"

He just laughed and hugged me back.

Afterwards we got some ice cream and just talked. It was the most fun I had ever had in a while.

One week of never ending graduation practice later..

"Please welcome our valedvictorian, Miss Emily Thomas!"

I smiled at the crowd and walked up the stage. Oh my gosh there's a lot of people. Okay, okay calm down.

I took a deep breath and looked at the paper on the podem and started to read my graduation speech out loud.

"Hello, my name is Emily Thomas and over the past four years of high school, a lot has happened.."

"And I'd like to wrap my speech up by saying, I'm the Girl Behind the Mic.." I said and smiled as I walked off the stage and back to my seat.

Applause and a lot of cheers followed shortly after my exit.

"I'd like to thank you all for attending the graduation of the best class of all, the class of 2013!! Congratulations!" Our principal said.

After that last sentence we all threw our graduation caps in the air. As I looked up and there were green and white colored caps scattered everywhere.

I'm just suprised we aren't going to burst into song, High School Musical anyone? Wow so we can do a musical in school but can't do it in real life? Guess not.

In attempt to catch my dark blue hat I put my arms out and it got closer. And then I got hit by the hat. Great. I took it off my face and rubbed my forehead.

"Hey there Miss Valedictorian!" Claire yelled running up to hug me.

"Hey Claire!!" I said and she released me.

"So what do you want to do after grad-"

"Hey," Tyler said smiling as he hugged me from behind.

I looked back up at him and smiled back, "Hey."

"Okay.. I think I'll be going now see you lovebirds later!" Claire said as she ran over to some of our friends from drama class.

I said bye to her and felt so accomplished. I did it. After thirteen dreaded years of school I can finally hold a diploma in my hands. Not to mention I have a boyfriend and a best friend. Life is good.

"I guess I'm behind the Girl Behind the Mic." Tyler whispered in my ear.

I rolled my eyes and smiled, "But I'm still the Girl Behind the Mic."


"Hey guys! It's Girl Behind the Mic here and I'd like to tell you who I am! I think I posted a video saying the same thing but I'm gonna talk a bit more. Anyways this was supposed to be an anonymous channel but things happened so here I am!" I said as I moved the camera a bit higher to show my face.

"Ta-da! I'm Emily Thomas and this is me!" I said with a smile on my face, "But I'd also like to tell you that-"

"I'm her boyfriend!" Tyler interrupted me as he put his face in front of the camera, which was set on a tripod in front of me.

I pushed him out of the way and continued talking, "Not that but I shall resume posting videos but that I'm going to be releasing an album in about a month! Thank you guys for all of the support! I've been recognized by a real record label!"

"Well, I am Emily Thomas and I am Girl Behind the Mic." I said and smiled before turning the camera off.

Author's Note~
Okay so the final author's note is in the next and last part! Thank you so much for the support! You guys are amazing!

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