Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

I shoved him away and made my way inside and upstairs and went straight to bed.

Ding Dong, Ding Dong.

Was that the door? If it was how come Mom didn't answer it. Wait, that's my ringtone. I should change it. I looked at the clock, eleven a.m., I slept nearly twelve hours. Wow.

My phone lit up and revealed a text from Claire:

Mall today?

Replying, I wrote:

Sure can you pick me up, my mom's visiting my grandparents so she has the car

Setting my phone down, I rubbed my eyes and sat up. Then grabbed my phone again.

To Emily:
No prob be there in 10. Wear a dress, going to a fancy lunch.

Confused, I texted her back.

Okay? But I only have the red dress Stacy gave me to thank for liking her dresses. I don't really have dresses.

Claire asked my dress size and I told her, she said she'd bring me a dress. I sighed and put my hair into a bun as I put a pair of dark denim polka dotted shorts and a white t-shirt on.

I went downstairs and got a bowl, milk and a box of a random cereal. After muching on the cereal, I then put my bowl in the sink with some water from the faucet.

Opening the door, after it had rang I saw Tyler. What was he doing here? This was the weekend, where I get to avoid anyone from school.

"Oh, it's you." I said sighing afterwards.

"Um, hi to you too." Tyler said looking at his feet. I didn't know what to say.


"Claire said for me to pick you up." He explained.

"Why?" I asked.

"So we could talk." He said sliding his hands into his pockets.

"About what.." I said a bit weirded out.

"What happened yesterday after the musical." He said sheepishly.

"Oh, okay."

I looked at my flats. Then I realized I was in my blue polka dotted shorts and blank white t-shirt, Claire was supposed to bring me her dress to borrow.

"Oh and Claire said for you to wear this." Tyler said holding out the a dress.

"Okay." I grabbed the dress out of his hands. "You can sit down I'm going to be a minute."

He said okay and sat down. I quickly ran to my room and found a pair of spandex I could wear under the dress. I slipped them on and then the dress. It was mainly black, with pink and white roses all over. But it was spaghetti straped and exposed my back a little too much that I would I prefered.

Claire seriously knew I wouldn't like a dress that showed so much skin. I guess I had to wear it though.

I walked downstairs in my black flats and stood by the door. I looked at Tyler.

"Um, did you want to go or sit on my couch all day?" I said enthusiasticly.

"Oh, yeah. Let's go." He said getting up and walking out the door behind me.

I walked out the door and sat in Tyler's car. It was complete and utter awkward silence. Did he not listen to the radio or anything?

"Um, Tyler?" I said.

"Yeah." He said, hands still on the wheel as he glanced over at me.

"Where's Claire?" I asked.

"Um, she kinda told me to pick you up at your house and meet her at the mall."

"Oh, okay."

The rest of the drive was quiet and awkward. When we got to the mall and pulled over so I could get out his phone rang. He picked it up.




"I'll tell her."

Was all Tyler said. He hung up and looked at me.

"Anything wrong?" I asked.

"Claire said she made some reservations at some fancy restuarant and can't cancel." He explained.

"Do we have to go?" I whined.

"She said she already told the person she would come with a guest." He said scratching the back of his head.

"Oh." Was all I said.

"And she had to deposit money for the early reservation." He explained making a left turn.

"Oh. Okay I guess we have to go." I shrugged.

"Okay. Let's go."

Claire set me up! I can't believe I was too naive to notice!

The place was extremely fancy. It had a beautiful chandeleir and carpeted walls. Carpet! On the wall!

There were two forks, two spoons and a knife. With one of those fancy white cloths used instead of a napkin. This must be the fanciest resturaunt I've ever been to.

"Hi my name is Adrianna and I will be your server, what would you like to drink." The smiling brunette with curls said.

"Water would be fine." I smiled.

"Water for me too." Tyler said.

"Okay, I'll be back with your drinks, here are the menus and specials." She said.

She had a cheery peppy additude, well I guess that she had to have that kind of attitude towards customers.

She brought back the waters in two minutes. I was counting.

"So is this like a date?" I said, confused.

"Well it could be if you wanted it to be." Tyler replied not looking at me.

Did I want this to be a date? Errr, this is awkward.

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