Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I don't know why but it's been fun this past month.

I got to spend time with Claire. She's really cool and into the same music as me.

Which, if you haven't noticed, music is a big part in my life. I'd also consider her my best friend. I mean now that Julie's not around much, it's cool because I have Claire now. Julie texts me from time to time which is cool, but hey, we're not always best friends with the same person forever. It's life.

So Tyler's been avoiding me and sits with Jamie during lunch, he spends so much time with her now. I have to sit with Matthew in drama nowadays since he's my duet partner and all. Matthew's a nice guy and all but I've just been really jealous of Jamie. Spending all that time with him, he might as well be falling for her. Or better yet her falling for him.

Good thing I don't have to sit near Jonathan during lunch anymore. I hang out in Mrs. Collin's room with Matthew, Diana, Kasey, Jamie, Adam, and Tyler. We all drama class together.

Diana has short black hair and piercing blue eyes, she's also a bit quiet but I am too so that's cool. Adam has dark brown hair and green eyes, he's pretty creative and is in charge of supervising people who make props. You already know the basics of what everyone else looks like so I won't bother explaining the obvious.

I hang out with all my drama class friends in the music room now. Sometimes I even hang out with them on the weekends. I went to Diana's house, along with Kasey, Jamie, and Claire and it was pretty cool. Diana is quiet but she is hilarious around people she's friends with. And Jamie is really nice, so it's kind of hard to not like her, I bet Tyler does.

And that's about all the changes, one month later. New friends.

"It's showtime!" Mr. Hashire yelled excitedly.

"Tyler and Jamie!" Mr. Hashire yelled.

I was sitting on a nearby stool, next to a prop for the first scene, ready to push in the fake karaoke system.

"Hey," Tyler said waving as he walked up to Mr. Hashire.

"Where's Jamie?" The nervous drama teacher asked.

"She threw up in the bathroom and is going home." Tyler replied running a hand through his hair.

"But, w-who's the under study?" He asked, this was about to get interesting because Mr. Hashire started hyperventalating.

"Abigail," I interrupted, "Abigail Henry is the under study."

"Oh no!" Mr. Hashire said with a worried expression.

"What's wrong?" Tyler said.

"She's not here today!" Mr. Hashire said as he paced back and forth.

"Mr. Hashire, calm down." I said trying to prevent the poor teacher from passing out.

"That's it!" Mr. Hashire said snapping his head up and pointing at me.

"What's it?" Tyler asked in pure confusion.

"Emily can play Gabriella!" Mr. Hashire said and smiled.

"What!?" Tyler and I said at the same time.

"You've watched the rehearsal, the lyrics aren't much work to know. You've got a voice and let's face it, you'd probably be a much better Gabriella than Sharpay." Mr. Hashire said.

"But I have blonde hair." I said grasping a strand of it.

"Ah, here." Mr. Hashire said as he grabbed a black wig from a prop cart passing by.

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