Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

After a long day at school, I walked to the curb of the sidewalk. I looked both ways and something caught my eye.

I stared at it as the light turned yellow. And I crossed the street and looked to my right, i saw a car coming towards me. Unaware of the light being bright red, I just stood there in full shock, feeling frozen.

A tall figure with a mess of familiar dark brown hair pushed me out of the way of the car coming nearer and nearer. He landed in the middle of the street next to me as the light turned green.

"Eleanor?" He says, trying to remember my name. I rubbed my eyes, only to see Tyler, the guy who I sat next to in drama, looking at me.

"Who's Eleanor?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"Isn't that your name?"

"Umm, no, it's Emily." I rubbed my forehead,"Ow."

"Are you okay?" Tyler replied in attempt trying to comfort me. A car stopped right in front of us and honked, angrily driving around us.

"Well I didn't get hit by a car, so I think I'm okay." I said as another car honks at us with an angry expression.

"We should probably get up." Tyler says as he helping me stand up.

"Thanks." I said as he helped me sit on a nearby bench.

"No problem," Tyler said trying to remember something,"your name is Emily right?"

"Yeah," He nodded and asked for a pen.

I gave him one and he wrote on his hand 'Emily'.

He gave the pen back and showed m hand,"It's so I'll remember."

He smiled at me and rushed back over to pick up his backpack as he walked to the bus stop. As I sat on the bench, I looked at Tyler across the street, as my mom's car pulled up. She stops the car and rushes out to see me with a bruise near my forehead.

"Emily, oh honey, are you okay?" My mom said with worry written on her face, as she ran out of the car like she was running a marathon.

"Yeah I'm fine mom," I said walking closer to the car.

"What happened, did someone hurt you?" She said with a worried expression.

"Mom, I just want to go home," I said opening the door and climbing inside.

"Okay honey, get inside." I was already inside when she said that and she walked around the car and climbed in.

The car ride home was quiet, and I got lost in thought. I just looked out the window to see Tyler still walking to the bus stop.

That was so sweet, he just saved me from being hit by a car.

I sighed in relief as we pulled up into the driveway. Finally home, I grabbed my school bag and ran to my room. I laid on my bed and just stared at my ceiling.

Tyler seemed so nice, he noticed me. And nobody notices me.

I closed my eyes and told myself that I deserved a ten minute nap. I looked at my alarm clock and it was only around four o'clock. I shut my eyes, letting all my thoughts about Tyler and worries about everything go away.


Rubbing my eyes I turned to my side to see that it was eleven forty-one at night. I got up immediately and changed into my pajamas. My stomach growled and I walked downstairs to see my mom laying on the couch. She had always worried about me much more, ever since dad left us.

I walked over to the dining room and saw a plate covered with another plate. On the side was a note:

I didn't want to wake you up, so here's dinner. I know you can't skip a meal.
Xoxo, Mom

I smiled and sat down, eating the food. After I was done I placed my dishes in the dishwasher and tip-toed to my room.

I finished my homework at around twelve in the morning. I laid back down hoping to fall asleep. Five, ten, and twenty minutes passed and I sat up. I grabbed my journal, which kept all of my song ideas. I picked up my pencil and started thinking.

I hummed a melody and wrote down:

Oh, he swept me off my feet

I wish that it would repeat

Oh, the way he looks at me

He makes me feel complete..

I rubbed my eyes and sat up.

Am I falling for Tyler? I mean I barely know him.

I layed back down on my soft pillow.

Well, he did sweep me off my feet, and saved me.

I sat back up. Wait I can't fall in love with someone who merely pushed me out of the way of a car! Jeez I'm a sucker for romance, or atleast.. Not getting-hit-by-a-car-mance.

Don't judge me, that's kinda sorta, a word, right?

I stretched my arms out, yawned, and shut my eyes. I just need to sleep on this. Yeah. Then I'll be fine. Just need to shake this off.

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