Chapter 5

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Dedication to @Imirox123 sorry about how late this dedication took! Finally got some time on my hands! So here you go! Thanks for reading!

Chapter 5

The next morning I got up extra early, I was set out to record a new song to post later that day.

As I rehearsed the song quietly, I added, and altered a bunch of lyics. I pressed record and began singing. Took me a couple takes but I finally perfected the way I sang it.

After recording the song, I reflected upon the lyrics, which sounded like i was in love. Was I in love? With a guy who pushed me from getting hit by a car? It was sweet and all, but I can't just fall head over heels for this guy. This romance stuff, is annoying. Can't control my feelings!

I posted the video and got over two thousand views after a mere thirty nine minutes. I was shocked, people must love their love songs. Well I have to say, I had a lot of subscribers. Everytime I logged onto my computer, it blew up with notifications.

"Emily wake-" my mother walked into my room seeing me in lipstick and holding a microphone, instead of a half-awake blonde girl still laying in bed lazily.

"What are you doing?" She said confused.

"Um, um, just," recording myself singing about being in love, nothing much,"Singing."

"Singing? I thought you said you couldn't sing?" My mom asked.

"Well I was just.. Trying to look like a famous person, with red lipstick and blonde hair." I said.

"Which is?" She asked.

"Um, um, um.." Before I could think of an excuse my mom just interrupted me and told me to hurry up if I wanted a ride to school.

"And don't forget, take that lipstick off, it isn't your style hun." My mom said as she walked outside.

I went to my closet, put my jeans on paired with a red shirt and white cardigan. I rushed downstairs to the garage with my school bag and science textbook in hand.

My mom started the car and she dropped me off at school. Seeing Jonathan again, I walked up to him. He looked at me and blinked a couple of times while taking his headphones off.

"Um, hi?" I said looking at my feet.

"Hey." He paused, "By the way, since when do you wear lipstick?"

I then realized I forgot to take the red lipstick off. I turned the other way and took a tissue out wiping the lipstick off.

What if he figures out that I'm the Girl Behind the Mic!? A panic took over my body as I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Sorry, um what was the question?" I asked again.

"It was," Jonathan cleared his throat "since when do you wear lipstick?"

"Um, you see, I was-"

Cutting me off he said,"Nevermind, do you know who this is?" He cut me off and showed me the screen of his phone. To my suprise it was me singing.

"That's me singing," I would say, if he was a nice and trustful guy, but instead I actually said,"Um, isn't it that, that, the Girl Behind the Mic?"

"Well obviously, but do you know who she is?" He said emphasizing the 'is' part while gesturing to his phone.

"Um no, but don't I have to tutor you right now?" I said nervously trying to switch the topic and then turned to the school doors and went to the classroom.

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