Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I rolled my eyes as I turned around and made my way to my seat. Like he knew I was Girl Behind the Mic. He wasn't even intelligent enough to know that there were letters in math because they were variables.

The tardy bell rang and everyone ran to their seats. Mr. Hashire took attendance and then made everybody be quiet as he stood in front of the class.

"I have posted a list of the main cast members but I'm sorry that the making of this musical has been faster than what usually goes on during an actual production. But this experience will teach you how to be responsible, study lines and practice your acting roles in a timely manner." Mr. Hashire paused,"Everyone who is not on the list will work on props, lighting, and other stuff."

He told us where the list of the cast was, and told us to not crowd around the back doors. Everyone ran over to see the list except Tyler. He was just avoiding my eye contact and was looking a bit down.

I ignored it, he could just be sad about something other than my kiss with Jonathan, right?

I walked up to the list and pushed myself through the crowd. I looked at the list:


Troy Bolton- Tyler Moore

U.S.- Sean Dale

Gabriella Montez- Jamie Montre

U.S.- Abigail Henry

Sharpay Evans- Kate Thompson

U.S.- Emily Thomas

Ryan Evans- Tim Lerroy

U.S.- Matthew Paul

I stopped reading after that. Great, Tyler got his part. And I got under study for Sharpay, meaning I have to be an under study for Kate. I walked back to the table anxiously wanting to hear Tyler's voice. He was still sitting the same way I left him.

"Um, Tyler, you got the role of Troy,"I said trying to spark a conversation.

"Great," He replied in a melancholy voice.

"Aren't you happy?"

"I'd rather not talk about it."

"Okay, well I'm going to be under study for Sharpay so be lucky you got the part you wanted." I said with a bit of attitude and sat facing away from him.

What was up with me? Having attitude and grasping confidence today? I was on a roll.

I took out my notes for my english quiz I had to retake, thanks to Kate and began to study them.

I avoided both Tyler and Jonathan for the rest of the day because it was just plain awkward, to me at least. The day dragged on as I finished my english quiz and I ran downstairs to the car so I could visit my Mom.

"Dang it!" I said as I looked at the parking space that was empty. I looked at the sign and it said 'No Parking Mon-Fri 9am-4pm', looks like I'd have to pay for mom's car to be released. This is going to be the first time I got in trouble.

I leaned against the brick wall of my school's building and didn't know what to do. Who could I call? I have like no friends anymore..

A car pulled up and to my suprise it was Claire inside.

"Hey, need a ride?" She called out, as she rolled down her window.

"Claire? Oh you don't have to." I said.

"Do you have a ride home?" Claire asked.

"No, but I need to go to-"

"Just come inside, it's the least I could do for someone who transferred out of her class for me." She smiled and I gladly hopped in.

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