Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

I stood there in shock, the next morning at a mere piece of paper I was holding.

I got accepted. I got freaking accepted to Stanford! Letting out a scream, in front of the house next to the mailbox. I ran inside the house and slammed the door while getting inside to show my mom.

"Mom! Mom! Mom!" I yelled.

"Yes sweetie?" She replied as she was busy typing away on here computer.

"I got accepted to Stanford Mom!" I yelled.

"Congratulations sweetie!" She said as she stood up and embraced me in a big hug.

"But, I-I hate to break it to you but we just don't have the money to send you there." My mom said releasing me as her face fell.

"Oh," I said and my smile turned into a frown.

"Can I see the letter?" She asked.

Handing her the letter I felt tears brim my eyes. I had got accepted and then I couldn't go. This wasn't happening, this wasn't-

"Emily!" My mom said.

"Emily! Emily!" She continued to say.

"What?" I said sniffling.

"Full scholarship! Full scholarship!" She said as she pointed at the paper.

Then I began crying, tears of joy no doubt. Everything was falling into place and I was so happy.

As I got ready for school I placed my acceptance letter into a clear sleeve and taped it onto my wall. Smiling, I got ready and got into the car, my mom driving me to school.

"Hey there smiley face, happy to see me?" Jonathan said as I came to school.

"Nope." I said and walked past him.

"Then why are you smiling?"

"N-Nothin," I said with a smile because nothing could possibly ruin this day.

"Actually it is, because your my prom date." Jonathan said wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"I'm your prom date, not your girlfriend." I said pushing his arm off of my shoulder.

"Not yet." He smirked.

"Whatever." I said.

My day was going pretty good. Got an A on my english essay and I got a one hundred on my math test.

As I walked to the classroom I passed by the spot I watched Jamie and Tyler talk, when I saw Tyler talking to Kate. She was twirling her hair and smiling as she leaned against Tyler's locker.

I walked over to the spot I sat at when Jamie was talking to Tyler and leaned against the locker doors ad I listened to their conversation.

"Kate, move." Tyler said.

"I know you want to kiss me." She said as she put her back against the entire locker door.

"I don't." Tyler replied.

"You want to kiss me don't you?" She said twirling her dirty blonde hair.

"No, I like someone else." He said firmly.

"And who would that be?" Kate asked.

He looked in the other direction and stayed quiet. I should probably walk to Mrs. Collin's classroom now, I wasn't in the mood to watch this.

And as I walked down the hall and I stopped when I heard Tyler say the name, "E-Emily."

"Emily?" I heard Kate say in a gasp.

"Yeah, Emily." I tip-toed back down the hall and caught a glimpse of Kate furiously crossing her arms and Tyler standing there awkwardly.

"Kiss me," Kate said cupping his cheek, as I walked closer to the pair.

"No," He said turning away. Kate smirked and glanced over at my direction. Wait she knew I was there? She smirked with evil written all over her face and leaned in for a kiss, but after nearly thirty seconds Tyler pushed her back and looked at her in disgust.

I gasped and I leaned against the lockers. I slowlt fell down the wall and ran my hand through my hair.

They kissed.

For thirty seconds!

Kate really hated me.

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