Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

The week dragged on. And day by day I got closer to the night every girl has been dreaming about since they were little. Prom.

Everyday more and more girls got asked out. Kate got asked out by like five guys, but rejected each and every one of them. This was odd because she had been to prom every year, even as a freshman.

I walked to my locker and opened it. Then I grabbed my books out of my locker and began walking to drama. I quickly sat down before Tyler got there. I had been avoiding him for a while now. He started a conversation every once in a while I would simply mumble 'okay' or 'great'.

After a boring class period the bell rang. I hadn't really liked PE but if it meant escaping the drama of what I call my life I ran to my next class, between the mass of underclassmen.

"Emily, wait up!" Someone yelled.

What now? I turned around and saw Tyler. Did he not notice I was avoiding him like the plague?

"Emily, Emily." He said in between panting.

"What?" I said looking away.

"Why aren't you talking to me?" He questioned.

"I've got to go." I said and quickly turned around walking away.

"Wait!" He said and grabbed my arm.

"Dude, what the hell?" Jonathan said. He quickly walked over and grabbed my arm away from Tyler and walking away. I looked in that direction, what is with this guy.

"Emily wait up!" Tyler yelled.

Jonathan let go of my arm and walked back over to Tyler, "Save it. Just go bug someone else Taylor."

"It's Tyler and I need to talk to her." He replied, looking at me.

"Look I don't know who you think you are trying to get with my girl." Jonathan said pushing his chest.

"I just need to talk to her. Just please-" Tyler pleaded.

"Aw, he said please." Jonathan mocked.

"Can I jus-"

"Look back off okay? She's mine." Jonathan said.

I took that as my cue to leave and break eye contact, so I walked as fast as I could to the girl's locker room.

After the day ended, Claire drove me home since it was raining and my mom couldn't pick me up. I heated up a microwave dinner and took off my contacts, getting ready for bed.

Thoughts kept popping up here and there when I finally decided to call Claire.

"You what!?" Claire yelled at me through the phone.

"Do I have to repeat it?" I sighed.

"I just can't believe it." She said in shock.

"Neither can I." I sighed as I leaned back my chair.

"Are you sure?" She questioned.

"I'm not positive." I said.

"Okay so what are you going to do now? I mean you have him as a date to prom so you're good to go..?" She said almost as a question.

"I keep thinking this over and over again. I mean then there's Tyler in the back of my head."

"I know. That's why I was so shocked."

"Claire, what should I do??" I whined.

"Emily. You're going to choose."

"Choose who?" I questioned.

"Between Tyler and Jonathan. The answer is obvious." She said.

"Then what's the answer!" I yelled into my phone.

"Goodnight." Claire said calmly.

"Claire wai-" And then the line went dead.

I sighed leaned back on my chair.

"What should I do?"

Waking up my phone rang and I managed to find it without even opening an eye. Answering it, I said hello.

"Emily!" Claire yelled.

"What?" I replied opening my eyes.

"It's 10:26am what are you doing asleep?" She yelled.

"I'm awake aren't I?" I said.

"Whatever are you ready?" Claire asked.

"For what?"

"Mani-pedi's today at eleven!"

"Shoot. I Forgot." I said and immediately sat up.

"I'm coming in fifteen minutes, if you're not ready I'll drag you out of the house in your pajamas." She replied

After saying bye and hanging up, I got up and went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth quickly. Putting my contacts on quickly, I put the eye drops into my purse and got dressed.


Having the scent of nail polish linger in the air for about an hour, we left and Claire drove me home.

"I'll be back in an hour so I can pack up some stuff and bring my dress." Claire said as she double parked.

"See you soon." I said and I took that as my cue to leave and leave is what I did.

Author's Note~
Thank you all for #335 on Teen Fiction and #375 on Romance, well for the past couple of days!!

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