Chapter 7

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Dedication to @lovely_strawberries for reading and voting for a bunch of my chapters and supporting my other books & poems! Thanks a bunch!

Chapter 7

Tutoring Jonathan was more akward than usual. Here's a list of why it was awkward..

1. He opened the door for me.

2. He pushed my chair out for me to sit.

3. He kept smiling at me.

4. He kept looking at me.

Yeah, that's pretty much it. It's kind of weird, awkward, but it's kind of cute? Well like as in puppy dog cute. Not someone you want to go out with!


The day went on as usual, I don't have any particular details.. Except that Mr. Popular now has me sit as his table regularly and Kate sits with cheerleaders at another table.

Feeling the slightest bit victorious I felt as if something bad would happen. I have the worst luck.

Drama was pretty fun. We all brought our lists except a couple people people. It was okay though because Mr. Hashire didn't care, as long as we had a list of the top two characters we wanted to play.

I wrote Gabriella, Kelsi, and to a last resort, Sharpay. Sharpay's the mean, rich, stuck-up air-head. I may look like her but Kate would be perfect for that role. Being all of those things.

As we turned in our papers stating who we'd like to be I returned to my desk. I leaned over obviously and he looked at me smiling.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey," Tyler replied.

"So who did you pick?" I said casually.

"Um, Troy, Jason-"

"Jason?" I questioned.

"Yeah." Tyler said.

"He's the one who asks all of the weird questions."

"Yeah I know but I don't know who else to choose."

"You could've pick Chad." I said and he laughed.

"You don't like my hair the way it is?" Tyler asked, laughing.

Oh god, not what I was going for...

"I do it's just I was-"

"It's okay, I was just playing."

After everyone turned their papers in, we all sat down.

"Okay thank you for turning in your papers, I will sort through all of them tonight." Ms. Hashire said holding the box of papers.

"Remember, you may not get your first choice of characters, the cast. I will choose will be casted based on looks, because we can't have a blonde for the role of Gabriella." The class laughed and I blushed in embrassment.

I have no chance to be with Tyler now.

"Now before the end of class I would like to tell all of you that we will be doing High School Musical, this requires a lot of work, we will need everyone to sing or dance for one or more scenes." Mr. Hashire said.

After a one minute pause for no reason Mr. Hashire finally said,"I just realized, we could have choreographers. Would anyone like to volunteer?"

Kate, Samantha and Jason raised their hands. Samantha and Jason are in a dance class together. Jason's just too shy to ask Samantha out. I've seen them together and they are absolutely perfect for each other.

This is my life so far, I have a popular guy who I think knows I'm the Girl Behind the Mic following me around, I have no chance of being the love interest in the school musical with Tyler, and if Kate choreographs our show it'll be a disaster.

As the day passed by I found myself at home, finally the day had almost came to end.

I couldn't sleep right now. Not with all of the thoughts in my head. It finally built up. From having a guy sweep you off your feet and another suddenly being overly nice. I wish I could talk to Julie right now.

But she hasn't been around me much. She started hanging out with some of the skater type people. I even saw her skating down the hallway with some guy. Well, if she's happy, I guess that's fine.

"I'm stressed out!" I said while emphasizing the word out very sing songy.

After writing a couple of lyrics and finalizing my stressed out song. Haha, I have weird inspiration. I put on my red lipstick and began rewording some of the lyrics.

Practicing the song nearly twenty times I sat up on my bed and began setting up my video camera and microphone.

Since my mom had a dinner party at some fancy sushi place with her work tonight there was no chance that I would get caught.

After four takes I finally sang it perfectly. As I started to edit the footage, which was a lot of work, I played the finished video and saved it.

Logging into my Youtube account, my notifications blew up. My first video had almost reached five thousand views, amazing. People listened to me sing? How cool was that!

As I waited for my video to upload, I took the time to wipe off the boldly colored lipstick and walked over to my closet. Grabbing a pair of sweatpants and a dark purple t-shirt, I took a shower.

"10:23? Where is my mom?" I yawned as I walked over to my desk. My video was about halfway done uploading when I decided to look at the comments on my previously uploaded videos.

Opening up a tab for each video uploaded I began to read the comments. Most of them were positive with comments like 'Your voice is amazing!', 'Perfection!', or other things. But there were some negative comments. Some said that I was a fake and that I used autotune or that I lip-synched to songs. That put me in a bit of a lower mood but I shook it off.

I walked downstairs to get a water, when I heard a knock on the door. Who could it be?

I heard another knock. Recalling that my mom most likely had her keys.

"Open the door." A deep masculine voice said.

I walked slowly heading to the door. As I walked to the door as the person knocked again. I reached for the silver door knob, as it's cold handle touched the skin of my hand.

Turning the door knob, I gulped opening the door.

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